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Tony Blair

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I, yes, me... "Tony Blair" has decided to make this site to let younger children and adults learn the musical influences of PUNK, SKA and ROCK. This includes everything else in the same category e.g. Violence, Sex, War And Drugs. But "Myspace" has forbidden me from using such information on this site. This also includes pictures and videos. We have an army behind the enemy lines in Iraq and I have decided to find the BEST-GOD-DAM-PUNK, SKA AND ROCK BANDS in the world, to inspire our fellow men and help them create history.
Please dont comment me if its just to ask "Are you the real Tony Blair". Because the fucking answer is yes ok. If you ask me I will not reply.
Old Fact
Cheri Blair
I found out a shocking secret which I haven't known for years. Well, she is my wife and all and I love her to bits but do you have any idea what its like taking her to a funeral or to a family or national crises. I mean I went to a funeral the other day and all I got was dirty looks. I wondered why the fuck this was, and I turned around at Cheri and she had the fattest grin on her face ever. I said to her, "Can you please stop?" and she just carried on. It made me fairly angry. After I couldn't say anything, because I got to much grief. 3 weeks later and she's still smiling. Since then we have had numerous funerals and serious meetings on which the survival of the nation depended. But she kept smiling. I said to her one night "What the fuck are you playing at?". She just turned around and looked at me with her freakishly huge grin (which I swore grew over night). I said, "What's with all the smiling. Its embarrasing." She took my hand and said to me, "I've had a face lift..." I told her to take it back but after I found out how much it cost, I told her to to wear a bag over her head in future or just dont attend anything important. Now she just waits at home every night waiting for sex... Ha I dont complain. But now we are going to loose more money because shes pregnant with her fourth child. God dam you cruel world.
Old Fact
Nobody Likes MEOnly this month I have rearlised that nobdy likes me. Well maby Lil George but I think thats all. And even Cheri has stopped speaking to me now. I think it had some think to do with last months comment. I tried talking to her about it... But all she did was hire me a male stripper and said she was going cold turkey. The evil bitch. Its not like I have ever said anythink to offend her. I was just letting people know about her physcial condition. "The Face Lift". Some of my cabanit dont like me either. They all think I should resign. But ive told them I aint going to even consider it untill may 07. I dont know why nobody likes me. Its kinda gay to be honist. Even the male stripper that Cheri hired for me was kida shit. He started dominating me with whips and chains. He even got this power dildo from some where. Diddent feel half bad though... And at the end of it all I only came out with a split ass and a few cuts. Grate price to pay for some one that hates me... I tell you if everyone hires me a male stripper every time im an asshole... Ive found my self a new carear.
This Months Fact
I am no longer Prime Minister. The CUNT Gorden Brown has tacken my power after I resigned. I hope peace comes to all those that sttod by me. All those that hated me I hope you fucking die. Im only jocking. But as you can tell I am more than annoyed I am no longer in power and is even more gutted that you have a compleate Dick to lead you. He will send the UK to the ground. I will miss my visits to George tramendusly. Good luck to you all. And Remember. If you liked my powers. The vote me back.
Im still going to look after the punk scene so you wont miss me. I will still update you on everything I know and the new and old bands around in this day and age.
Good Luck Everyone

My Interests

Being the almighty ruler of The "United Kingdom" is hard work. But its great. I get to meet Lil George on occasions and get to chill with my bitch Cheri.
Agreeing with everything Lil Georgy says like lets bomb Iraq because we can.
Facts From The UK In South Devon
Many things have chainged since I have been off this site.
The band "Soap" lost one of there members "Ollie". He was Lost through reasons Of which I do not know myself. But I am tolfd that the reasons were not sutible enough for the kick out. But he may be joining another band soon. An Exeter based band in mid Devon. A Punk/Pop Punk/Ska Band. Should Be Good. I Will Keep you all posted on the progress of this matter.
Detox Have released there first albam. "Unnecessary Surgery" And is going strong at the moment. Sam is still up in Wailes and Rich lies around Shaldon Beach every saterday night.
Atrio are getting more known and are on a contract with Joss Stones Parents. (This is what ive been told. May NOT be true). But they do recordings most weekends and are getting very far in there musical life. Hope you make it boys.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet "Osama Bin Laden" and give him a good talking to. By talking I mean shove a Grenade up his ass and blow the fucker to pieces.
The best God-Dam-Punk, Ska And Rock Bands this planet has ever seen.
If any Bands are interested in this then could you add me. I dont have the time to add every one on this site, I will add as much bands as possible in my short amount of time. So please. Do the right thing.


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