Being the almighty ruler of The "United Kingdom" is hard work. But its great. I get to meet Lil George on occasions and get to chill with my bitch Cheri.
Agreeing with everything Lil Georgy says like lets bomb Iraq because we can.
Facts From The UK In South Devon
Many things have chainged since I have been off this site.
The band "Soap" lost one of there members "Ollie". He was Lost through reasons Of which I do not know myself. But I am tolfd that the reasons were not sutible enough for the kick out. But he may be joining another band soon. An Exeter based band in mid Devon. A Punk/Pop Punk/Ska Band. Should Be Good. I Will Keep you all posted on the progress of this matter.
Detox Have released there first albam. "Unnecessary Surgery" And is going strong at the moment. Sam is still up in Wailes and Rich lies around Shaldon Beach every saterday night.
Atrio are getting more known and are on a contract with Joss Stones Parents. (This is what ive been told. May NOT be true). But they do recordings most weekends and are getting very far in there musical life. Hope you make it boys.
I would like to meet "Osama Bin Laden" and give him a good talking to. By talking I mean shove a Grenade up his ass and blow the fucker to pieces.
The best God-Dam-Punk, Ska And Rock Bands this planet has ever seen.
If any Bands are interested in this then could you add me. I dont have the time to add every one on this site, I will add as much bands as possible in my short amount of time. So please. Do the right thing.
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