Grandfather, we know that in all creation only the human family has strayed from the Sacred Way.We know that we are the ones who are divided and we are the ones who must come back together to walk in the Sacred Way. - American Indian PrayerO'Great Mother, Yemaya! Yo Soy La Hija de Yemaya - Ipanema Beach, Rio de Janiero Brasil Aug. 06'
I am lover of ALL music from all over the world (with a few exceptions). I enjoy any music that makes my body move and makes my mind feel right. Good music in my view comes from a combination of soul, emotion, creativity, struggle, blessings, and true talent- musically, intellectually, and lyrically.
John Coltrane, in Naima, live, 1965.Jill Scott: "My Petition"Immortal Technique- The Fourth BranchImmortal Technique- You Never KnowAlicia Key- If I ain't got youHasan Salaam- Prayer of a SinnerIntifada - Epica del TiempoFloetry- Getting LateResidente calle 13- Puerto Rico Libre
We are still fighting for OUR LAND for over 16 generations. The San Miguel del Vado Common Land Grant, where we still continue to survive and dwell. New Mexico, July 2006Pecos River- New Mexico-Taos Pueblo, New Mexico, July 2006
Rarely watch it. But I do enjoy Democracy Now and indy docs on Sundance and the International/ Independent Film Channel.However, I really rather spend my time...
Somewhere off the beaten track where I am learning and teaching. -Salvador, Brasil Aug.06'
Some of the books on my desk right now: Frantz Fanon's "Black Skin White Mask" & "The Wretched of the Earth", Linda Tuhiwai Smith's "Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples", Gloria Anzaldua's "Borderlands/La Frontera", Grosfoguel's "Colonial Subjects: Puerto Ricans in a Global Perspectives", WEB Du Bois' "The Souls of Black Folk", Walters' "White Nationalism Black Interest: Conservative Public Policy and the Black Community", Cohen's "The Boundries of Blackness: AIDS adn the Breakdown of Black Politics", George J. Sanchez's "Becoming Mexican American: Ethnicity, Culture, and Identity in Chicano Los Angeles, 1900-1945", Alchemist, The African Dream By Che Guevara and Lonely Planet's Venezuela, Central America, and Middle East Guide books....****Lonely Planet's AFRICA on a shoestring, maps, language books ... for plotting and planning my journey..................................................... ...............................
My ancestors, wise elders, my two living grandmothers, my worldly mother and my freedom-fighting father, my loving brother and sister, and all people who have taught and inspired me in some form or another.Check out the Artist's Site: