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joan michelle

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I AM... makulit, cheerful & spontaneous. I'm a very simple gurl in love with my urban lifestyle. Nothing much extraordinary on me. I'm just a woman in the street. I always come up with wild & crazy stuff at the weirdest times. I do a lot of talking.. a talk that larded with jokes but sometimes I could be the most boring woman on earth. I had this I-don't-give-a-damn attitude. I don't bother what other people say like doin' a backbite and insecure criticisms. Just know me first before you judge.. and judge me by my intentions not by my actions. I really care those humbly advices to me. I don't like breaking the laws.. even just for fun. I love clubbing. I know how to party and enjoy partying. Music is my life besides my family and friends. I had an ambition to sing coz singing makes you feel good. Hehehe.. I'm a woman full of adventure. I'm always willing to take chances. I really enjoy fleeing off to the beach. The whole week in BORACAY was bizarre! When I'm at home, im just sleeping! A real sleepy head gurl! just love to stay long in my room. I love to travel and I travel for fulfillment.. The best road trips are never planned.. and that's fo' sure! On dressing up, I wear anything. I can adapt to any style. I like simplicity.I used to wear worn out jeans, tee shirt & sneakers. I can get away with wearing jeans to school because I never looks sloppy. A casual but tailored.. And what goes best of all with the outfit is attitude.. like the shades of blue, red, green, white and pink. On food, I do love to eat coleslaw, taco, lasagna, sushi, rice noodles, fetuccini, black sambo, baby backribs and many more! I'm a person who enjoys good food and drink.. a real good cuisine. I'm a devout Catholic, and I still go to church every Sunday. I can cook all fried and instant pancit cantons.. hehehe! I just hate pretense. I totally hate CLASSISM and DISCRIMINATION in all kinds [esp. on the basis of racial and social status]. Niggas in the hood do not appreciate that shit! Just don't let others feel they are discriminated, belittle 'em and to treat 'em with scorn if you don't like 'em. Don't be a snooty idiot if you don't want to be dump on too.. I'm a strong believer in karma. And lastly, i hated to be called "BRAT" coz "IM NOT!"

My Interests

PEOPLE, PLACES, adventures, misadventures, mah girbaud & chuck sneaker, mah old school, fancy cars, tablet PC, road tripping, sound tripping, clubbing, bar hoppin', a remix to ignition, urban groove, urban jive, making friends with reel characters, big cities, travelling, chess, badminton, billiards, swimming, snorkeling, banana ride, island hoppin', chillin' out at the beach trip (BORACAY), the PHI PHI Island, THE BIG FISH party, DINAGYANG party at SMALLVILLE, sleeping, taking photos, net surfing, cooking (all kind of frieds, hehehe!), a back massage, seafoods (talaba, shrimp, lobster, crab, prawn, squid, blue marlin), KOBE beef, chocolate milkshake, ice creams, ice cream cake, black sambo, strawberry frappo, chocolate cake.. many more..

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to meet people who are fun to be with most especially descent persons...


acoustic love songs, reggae, alternative rock, and house music...


LoRd oF tHe riNgs, jAcK aSs tHe MoViE, 2fASt 2 fuRiouS, uNdErwoRLd 1&2, tHe LaSt sAmUrai, g0nE N 60sEc, ItAliAn joB, heLLboY, i roBot, kiLL biLL 1&2, tHe c0uNt oF m0ntE cRist0, oCeaNs 11&12, nAtiOnAL tReaSuRe, bLadE 1, 2&3, hAroLd&KuMaR, miLLioN doLLaR bAbY, fLigHt PlaN, DooM, fiNdiNg nEmo, icE agE, u got served, tRipLE X, toRquE, bAd boYs 1&2, thE rEcRuit, tHe tRanSpoRtEr, sWat, thE ruNdoWn, spEed 1&2, thE paCifiEr, hitCh, x-mEn 1&2, spidErmAn 1&2, dAre dEviL, eLeCtra, so cLosE, cRaZy/beAutifuL, hoW to dEaL, heRe on EaRth, 50 fiRst datE, cAyotE uGLy, dUde, whEre'S my cAr?, RoAd tRip, aMeriCan piE 1, 2 & 3, sCaRy MoviE 1, 2 & 3, fiNaL dEstiNatioN 1, 2 & 3, suPeRmaN, inSidE joB, CLick, sNakE on thE pLAne, stEp Up, tHe dEpaRted, DoA, tHe covEnaNt, CasiNo royaLE, haPpy fEet, 300, pUrSuit oF hAppiNeSs...


cHaRmEd ( 'd BeSt! ), SmALLviLLe, MyX, MTV Partyzone,ESPN,CNN,STC,Cartoon Network,Fastlane,jake 2.0,Ripley's Believe It or Not,Just For Laughs,Girls Behaving Badly,The Amazing Race,game plan,Sports Unlimited,Stop Light,Byk 101,The Misadventures of Maverick and Ariel,Travel,digital tour,tyra,beauty and the geek


aNg paBoritoNG liBro ni jUdAs- bOb OnG; MeD-sUrg! heHehE....



My Blog

ei pEopLe!

i'm krayzie! plz add me up: [email protected] [email protected] tnx.. cyah oL soon...
Posted by joan michelle on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST