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I am here for Friends

About Me

I am currently addicted to Ice Monster’s Choco Banana Ice.I can bend my fingernails. Amazing!My right pointing finger is almost of the same length with my right pinky finger.A surgeon did a surgical operation on my tongue to detach it from my lower lip. I was only how many weeks old.I accidentally bumped my right foot last August 19, 2004. The surgeon had to take out the entire toenail that was intensely hit by the lampshade. Thank God it’s back to normal. Oh by the way, I still have the toenail that was removed. HahahaI have two scars on my left leg: A not-so-visible Y-scar that had to be stitched. I got it when I was in Grade 5. Damn bike!; and a very visible one that I just got this summer when I went to Florida. What a remembrance!I hate mushy and cliché statements. Zip it if you can't say anything else other than that. Hehehe :DI now remember why 7 is my lucky and favorite number. Coz the fortune teller told me so. It has been...for the past eight years.

My Interests

Lip stuff, Clothes, Cologne, Sneakers, Accesories, Flip-flops, Wallet, Bags, Arts&Crafts, Music, Photography, Gadgets, Billiards, Bowling, Volleyball, Singing, Bungee Jumping, Rock Climbing, Adventure, Shopping!!! The only way for you to find out is to get to know me. :)

I'd like to meet:

Anybody :)


Any will do.


Walt Disney movies, 50 First Dates


Fear Factor, Amazing Race, Art Attack, Lifestyle Network, America's Funniest Home Videos, American Idol


The Five People You Meet In Heaven, Like Water For Chocolate, The Da Vinci Code, Paulo Coelho's books