daTiNg woMen.......coUppLe SeX....... threeSome...... oRgy........HaRdcoRe.......
Who I Want to MeeT.........? oF yoU............!!!
I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
sLiPknoT,MariLyn ManSon,tHe uPstaiR,the bRandaLs,c'moN LennOn,endaNk soEkamti,cLub 80's,the S.I.G.I.T,the RaMoNes,ManDo DiaO,Me FiRst aNd giMmie gimmies, NOFX, System of a doWn, KaRoN n' RoLL, RHCP, FRanZ FeRdiNand, RiaLto, Shaggy Dog, The CaRdiGans, MuSe, The JaKA SeMbuNg, White Shoes aNd the couples company, the ADAMs, the SASTRO, SORE, the Strokes, DasHboarD ConFessioNaL, PHB, Led ZePPLin, the DooRs, arctic monkeys, sondre Lerche,the PORNO, iNspirationaL Joni, Metallica, the RacounTers, baNgkU taMaN, RuMaH SaKit, the BIKINIES, froM 1st to Last, thrice, yellowcard, funeral for a friend, as I lay dying, stuPidRoBoticKiLLiNgmaChiNe.....
FiLm fiLm yang beRbaU poRnogRaFi dan PorNoaKsi.............. hehehehehehe................!!!!!
TeLeVisiOn kiLL the RoCk n' RoLL sTaR.......!!!
gWe sWh nGaRtiNya cUma KoMik..........!!!!!
biG RoCk n RoLL sTaRs