Radically Dreaming profile picture

Radically Dreaming


About Me

Yeah, alright, I'm done being pensive and sulky and defeatist, and all that shit. Life's great, I'm great, and I'll be going to college at the University of California-Berkeley starting in the fall, which is one of the greatest places on the planet. I'm certainly looking forward to attending it and leaving hometown bumfuck suburbia. %A%AOh, I'm Andrew Cretella, and I'm 17, but most people don't bother to learn my first name. Whatever. I love both names anyway. Unfortunately I am in fact not yet at UC Berkeley, which still means I'm at Calhoun High School in Merrick, Long Island, New York. Not that it's done me injustice, but the superficial, uninteresting small town atmosphere is stifling, and I feel I've virtually exhausted its limited academic resources. At the very least it has given me the opportunity to meet David Hendler, an outstanding track coach who brings forth the wisdom expected of someone twice his age and the enthusiasm of someone half his age; and Jason Elias, a brilliant English teacher whose charisma and passion are always and infinitely inspiring.%A
ut about me: I'm weird, even if I'm ostensibly not. For a good portion of the time I often tend be reserved, self-conscious and avoidant -- perhaps due to some social anxiety -- all of which mask my actual weirdness. When I temporarily overcome that, I can be beaming, magnetic, witty, perhaps a little pretentious. I take joy in intellectual and philosophical revelations, and I tend to be more sophisticated than my peers can handle while occasionally being more vulgar than they can handle; but, at heart, my intentions are good, if not hopelessly idealistic and incurably romantic. %A%AI love to write. I love to read. I love to play video games. I love talking to people who also love talking to people. I love intellectual activity and I love physical activity. I run track for my high school but I won't be running it in college. I'll probably take up soccer (not intercollegiately) -- because I always seem to fall for the girls who play it -- as well as some other sports, like basketball and volleyball, in college.%AIM -- bbobbo69. Feel free to message me. I won't be bothered and you certainly won't regret it.%A%A ..%A
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My Interests

People, girls, a specific girl, answers, existentialism, life.

I'd like to meet:

Interesting people. Don't be too quick to assume you fall into this category.


Ohh...music... ultimately anything, because music is generally effective at creating emotion and all that shit. I won't name any specific artists; I'm not fanatical enough about music to have a set of favorites, although I still like it very much. I just like anything that grips me for a few minutes without letting go, whatever the genre.


Equilibrium, Tigerland, Princess Mononoke, Rudy, Remember the Titans, Instinct, Seabiscuit, Men of Honor, Minority Report, Terminator 2, Lord of the Rings, the (first and only) Matrix, and far too many more that I simply can't remember.


Television is extremely bad, but I guess there are a few decent shows, like Star Trek: TOS, The Shield, Law


Harry Potter, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, Hamlet, Othello, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy...and probably plenty of others that I can't remember!


David Hendler, Jason Elias.