Books with a little history behind them. Zombies, especially Zombies, Irony, post-apocalyptic nostalgia.
Otis Redding, Lenny Bruce, Robert Mitchum, Bill Hicks. Short of that, anyone that reads. In summary...Anyone who will buy me a drink then leave me the hell alone.
Top Ten ALbums I'm Listening to right now: 10. Detroit Cobras-Baby 9. Van Morrison-my own personal mix 8. None more Black 7. Jolie Holland-Escondira 6. Tim Barry-E.P. 5. The Specials-S/T 4. American Steel-Shrapnel 3. Beach Boys- Pet Sounds 2. Marie Antoinette-Soundtrack 1. The Clash, all of the albums (the beauty of an Ipod is that you can just hit "Play All" and the greatest band of all time has created the best full day album of all time.
Top Movies I've Seen Lately: Rude Boy, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Brick, All the Jim Jarmusch films again, Maltese Falcon, Burnt by the Sun Audition , Wrath of Khan, Nero Wolfe Box Set, The Prestige, The Departed, Master and Commander, and just because it is one of the most disturbing films I have ever seen: Irreversible
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Battlestar Galactica, Lost, Heroes, Real Time with Bill Maher.
Algren, Steinbeck, Barker, Agony and the Ecstacy, To kill a mockingbird, The chips are down, Booked to Die, Bukowski, Cussler, Everything is Illuminated, American Gods, Survivor, Lullaby, Truman, Bataille, Thoreau, Dashell Hammet, the Harry Potters, and the best book ever, The Master and Margarita. I'm also in a book club with a few good friends, check my groups, we're called This Story Ends In Bloodshed" We've read Miss Misery, and House of Leaves.
Dave Smalley, Joe Strummer, Nelson Algren, and the best of the best, Bill Hicks