Dave Bullet With POOR AND WEIRD PROMOTIONS profile picture


dance to the music and the night will go on and on ya gotta tear it to pieces girls

About Me

Booking and Promoting goes down on this site. it costs money. im professional in what i do. if you act unprofessionaly youll be treated like a jackass. if you dont like the way i look and still want the same satisfaction Poor and Weird gives then you can reach the adoreable and gorgeous Isashah at www.myspace.com/aculapenetration (no wussies weiners or wimps) musics my thing and i take it with pride and respect. let me know whatsup.
Dave Bullet
Poor and Weird Promotions
What more could be said about The Booze? Huh? Ya wanna know? Well im here to tell you now that no matter what you do listening ot these guys you aint sittin still! You're up, You're movin', Dancin, and its unstoppable! The mod rock band from Atlanta Georgia are one of the most nostalgic bands to come out since the 50's and 60's. With hit songs like "Hey Amy", "Aint it the truth", and "The Next Train" these guys are untouched, unrefined, and down right the coolest thing to enter your ears! Featured on Perez Hilton and in numerous magazines around the U.S. its no wonder why these guys are surely hitting the top. Ive had the pleasure of promoting and booking with The Booze and instant success is all I can say.Dont get me started on their new album "Straight, No Chaser!". All of them will be instant hits! they are that sound creeping in your ears, that uncontrollable urge to tap your foot, the shiver down your spine, and the excuse you use for your drinkin'!DONT MISS THIS BAND!!!!!www.myspace.com/thebooze
New from atlantaTHE POISON ARROWScheck out there myspace www.myspace.com/poisonarrows77 where you can listen to their new hit single "Wild Hearts Beat Free". One of the best new bands to come out in years, The Poison Arrows are sure to get you out of your seat and on your feet. LOCK UP YOUR MOTHERS, HIDE YOUR DAUGHTERS, PROTECT YOUR GIRLFRIENDS!!!!! This new fusion of powerpop, rock n roll, and punk is enough to make Johnny Thunders cry and The Exploding Hearts be proud. So when you have a chance go to www.myspace.com/poisonarrows77give em a listen and be friends with emwhy not-Dave Bullet
....................................Just close your eyes while listening to "Wild Hearts Beat Free" by The Poison Arrows and all that comes to mind is that time of the year when you dont got a care in the world, booze was cheap, and a gorgeous girl was around your arm as your running the streets in the middle of the night. These guys are so nostalgic and original it makes you wanna relive those days. With the lead singer and front man Tukkk at the helm driving the teenage ridden angst vocals of "Sticky Situations" right into a brick wall at 90 MPH and with Josh, Portwood, and Joey backing him up how could "Hittin it Hard" not be a single waiting to happen!!!! The Boys, The Real Kids and The Exploding Hearts are gonna take a backseat in your record player to these guys. Non-Stop, Heartbeatin', hips shakin, toe tappin riffs are nothing but expected from these guys as we are all sure that they will reach number one on the charts and your girlfriends hearts. www. myspace. com/poisonarrows77www. myspace. com/poisonarrows77 www. myspace. com/poisonarrows77 www. myspace. com/poisonarrows77
Russia, Punk, Vodka, Distortion, Lunacy, Debauchery, and down right fuckin Weird is all the words that come to mind when dealing with The Shockwaves! Tired of all the same music then give these guys ago.I asked lead singer and frontman John Pilia what the band was up to and all he had to say was "Anus, Ballsack, Menstruation, Beaver Pie." Just releasing their album PANKASTROIKA! The Shockwaves are becoming the Atlanta areas favorite band. Look for them on myspace at www. myspace. com/shockwaves and ask John the meaning of life. Go on, I dare ya!
ELVIS CALL YOUR GRANDCHILDREN!!!!!!! Gunsmoke with their pompadours, up-right bass, and clean cut to the bone reverbed riffs are not a band to be passed up! Straight out of Canada, Gunsmoke just released their allbum "Darktown" on 7" vinyl!!!!! So for all you record lovers and vintage collectors this is not a chance to be missed. Planning a tour to the U.S. soon they will be making stops in a select major cities. check em out at www.myspace.com/thegunsmoke, stop by and say hello to them and be a friend.www.myspace.com/thegunsmoke
The last four years have been filled with plenty of ups and downs for the young band from Atlanta, Georgia. From line-up changes to living out of cars and rich girl's pocketbooks to fist fighting their way through redneck crowds in the seedy Atlanta underground, Steadlür have beat the odds. Drawing influence from the likes of Guns n' Roses to Motley Crüe to Foo Fighters to KISS, and everything in between, Steadlür kick out their own intoxicating brand of rock 'n' roll ecstasy, complete with anthemic melodies and addictive hooks. Brother's Philip (lead vocals, guitar) and Dallas (vocals, drums) are joined by longtime friends Daniel (vocals, bass) and Tommy (vocals, guitar) to make up Steadlür, and in the band's own words, rock like "Vikings in party shorts." The band themselves sum it up best when they say, "We just like to play rock 'n' roll and break stuff. See you at the show"

My Interests

Never take it seriously, if you never take it seriously, you never get hurt, if you never get hurt, you always have fun, and if you ever get lonely, just go to the record store, and visit all your friends

I'd like to meet:

ive already met everyone possible that i wanted to meet so now its up to fate and randomality


anything you can chug dr thunder to:
Buddy Holly, The Stray Cats, Brian Setzer, The Cherry Poppin Daddies, steve e. nix and the cute lepers, marie marie, the rolling stones, ,the nerves, the poison arrows, turbonegro, thick as blood, fall out boy, have heart, bad religion,999, edwyn collins, the sonics, sektor gaza, the hives, the star spangles, the vibrators,Municipal Waste, maylene and the sons of disaster, New Bomb Turks, Bob Marley and The Wailers, otis redding, the booze,queen, the jam, the boys, slaughter and the dogs, tom petty, Joe Strummer, Lil Wayne, T.I, and whoever does that song "DONT BRING ME DOWN....BRUCE!".............. The list goes on and any band that i book or promote


grandmas boy, waiting, super bad, dewey cox, talladega nights, stepbrothers,Sit ona Saint Dickolus Saint Nickolaus, starring jon candy...oh yeah we dug his lard ass up. sorry etc. etc.


squidbillies, aqua teen hunger force, The Cleaner, The Closer.


"Sasquatch Mountain" the biography of rainwater. "Tatted" body modifications. The idiots guide to flame decals


anyone who can make it on their own. cause its fuckin tough.

My Blog

ive come to my sense

so i have to calm down im starting to fall back into my old routine of partying drinking and doing other things. and i dont want that. thats just some shit that i guess im going to have to figure out....
Posted by Dave Bullet With POOR AND WEIRD PROMOTIONS on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 12:32:00 PST

fuck yesterday was the worst day of my fuckin life

we play a birthday show at east cobb park for about 10 fuckin people and we played 2 and a half fuckin songs and left then i get the wrong answer from somebody then i lose about 3 good friendships ove...
Posted by Dave Bullet With POOR AND WEIRD PROMOTIONS on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 08:22:00 PST