I love bike riding and roller blading. I love to go dancing!! I love watching movies. Pretty much I love to do things that involve the outdoors or leaving my house on weekend evenings.
Everything!!! Well except for heavy metal or rap. Sorry heavy metal fans and rap artists.
Anything with Vince Vaugn, Jennifer Aniston, and Ben Stiller. They are my favotites ever! They make most funny movies.
Oh my goodness. I didn't watch too much when I moved to NYC. But now I watch Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy, Six Degrees and All About Bryan. Not to mention my late nite sitcoms--All about Raymond, Friends, Will and Grace. And I love Swap Moms and Bachorlette Reality shows---hysterical! Please watch my video clips on Revelation125, a webisode where I play the role of Amanda Sydney. Enjoy!
I fuckin hate to read.
My dad.