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Pretty Kitty

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Let me begin by saying this "Life is not a dress rehearsal" and I want to live my life without any regrets because we may not get to come back. It goes without saying that I am looking for the next adventure. So live well,feed your dark side, bask in your own light, work hard and PARTY HARDER!..

My Interests

Get Your Own! | View SlideshowGet Your Own! | View SlideshowDancing, Shopping, Working, Creating Havoc, Saving the World, Wandering in the Dark Night and filing my claws...Get Your Own! | View SlideshowBeautiful beast coursey of JUSTICE

I'd like to meet:

Thrill seeking, open minded, risk taking, fun loving, collar popping, shoulder dusting, evil smiling, deliciously vain...yet still oddly spiritual people. Oh yeah and anyone who thinks that Bush looks better in a pimp suit...
Da Basics
Full Name Pretty Kitty
Age 31 fixin to be 32
Birthday 9/11
Color black
song Cochise
room in the house bedroom...of course, that where my scrathing post is
sport shopping
season fall
word fuck
day of the week Saturday
food Alvacado, you know it got that good fat
time of the day midnight, when all the kitty's come out and play with whips and chains and little boys brains
place to relax bathtub
t.v. show rockstar supernova or 4400
movie hum....
clothes brand Hustler
book or magazine anne rice novels
actor/actress KEANU REEVES
Have you Ever...
been in love yep
skipped school yep
gotten drunk come on now...
smoked weed who me?
lied to someone close to you yeah but I always get caught
been out of the state yep
cheated on your g/f or b/f nope
gone to school high or drunk ABSOLUTELY my daughter reading this?
made fun of someone yep
hated someone you didnt really no no, and that should be "Know"
gone to a concert yep
cheated on a test no
wanted to kill yourself no
been skinny dipping yep
had sex on a beach no, don't like sand in my ass crack
dyed your hair a neon color nope
been on a cruse no...too much water
been on a plane yep
ran aways yep for a hour then my momma beat my ass
been arrested hell no...don't do that jail thang
been locked up like I said...hell to the no
gotten into more then 5 fights yep
been made fun of yep...see above question
talked shit about someone yep...and fuck you too!
Do you...
like your life yes
love someone yes
dream about sexual stuff dreams are what life is made of
like country music naw dude. my dog has never died
have a lot of TRUE friends yep
believe in yourself yep
think you look good Well you know, I have my days
ever wish you were someone else not really...does a fly on the wall count?
like school yep
consider yourself a good friend yep
put yourself before your friends yep
miss anyone right now nephew Lamont, my daddy, my son. Lenny..where the hell is he at anyway. He shoulda been home by now!
have any sisters or brothers 9
Whats one thinq you want to do before you die Dance in a waterfall but naked in the moonlight in Figi with a naked man and the water is glisting all over his body
Who do you wish you looked like Angelina Jole'
Are you a loveable person yep
Who is your best friend in the whole world rere
Do you want to qo to colleqe ahhhh no....did i mention that I'm in my 30's! I got bills bitches
Do you qet alonq with you parents yep
Silver or Gold depends on the outfit...duh!
Gunit or Murder Inc Nigga who...Tupac and Audioslave bitches!
Ligth or Dark Liquor Light...that grey goose got ya girl feeling loose
Shoes or Clothes clothes..just shoes :)
Listen to music or watchin t.v. I don't know do I have my shoes on with or without clothes
Rap or Country RAP
Lloyd Banks or Usher Lloyd Banks
mall or movies mall
Allen Iverson or Kobe Bryant I don't know, who has the most money. I'll take both for 1 million
Caramel or Chocolate Chocolate
Abercromie&Fitch or Rocawear Abercrombie



Of course R&B and Hip Hop but I LOVE ROCK MUSIC! I'm a big Audioslave fan.


I like old classic movies and I can always sit down and watch the breakfast club or pretty in pink, really love Marilyn Monroe movies. As far as new stuff, I like anything that has a half way decent story. The Devil's Advocate and Consintine are good you think I have a Keanu Reeves problem?


I am stuck on the Tudors right now, I am a history buff and love to see a juicy re-inactment. CSI IS GOOD FOR TAKING NOTES ON HOW TO NOT GO TO JAIL!.


The Sleeping Beauty stories written by Anne Rice as Anne Rapling. If you love literary erotica you have to read them!

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This is my hero, isn't he fucking hot?!! He is made of the strongest substance known to man Troitanium............God bless America!Superman (I love men made of steel). Constantine(he can put his feet in water and go to hell...why can't all men do that).MY ALTER-EGOS: CATWOMAN (I LOVE MY WHIPS)THE EGYPTIAN CAT GODDESS (BAST). SHE IS THE INVENTOR OF THE SINGLE HANDED SLAP (WE AFFECTIONATELY CALL IT THE BITCH SLAP) SHE IS THE GODDESS OF THE SUN(originally), THE MOON (after the Greeks), CATS, WOMEN AND SECRETS. I FEEL HER PROWLING AROUND MY SOUL...Look! There are HERO's and VILIANS in this picture! RIP GEORGE! SUSIO LIVES ON! WITH YOUR CRAZY ASS!

My Blog

Why are kids sooo spoiled?

You know, I just had a conversation with my friend Eve about how spoiled our kids are and why is that!!  And it's not just me all of us are guilty of spoiling our kids.  What I mean of that ...
Posted by Pretty Kitty on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 09:22:00 PST