Check out my band, Corner Stone, performing our song, "Holdin' Out" .. VH1 TV Shows | Music Videos | Celebrity Photos | News & Gossip .. VH1 TV Shows | Music Videos | Celebrity Photos | News & Gossip
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Well, I'm an Illinois transplant turned Las Vegas native due to the fact that I've been in Vegas for an overwhelming majority of my life. I'm part of what is essentially known as a "rap-metal" band called Corner Stone. But we try to vary our sound to keep things interesting. That's pretty much what I dedicate most of my time to.
Needless to say, I have to be decently outgoing to be in a band. Funny thing is, despite getting up in front of at least a couple hundred people on a regular basis, I'm still pretty damn shy and introverted when off stage. I don't get too hung up on personal image, but I'm not really one who wants alot of his business in the street. And believe me, here in Vegas, you can be a total hermit and somehow people know (or fabricate a story about) what you're up to. From that point, it's across the city in minutes.
I can't say that I get along with EVERBODY, but I tend to maintain an even keel as far as how I treat everyone and luckily, people seem to give that back to me. I consider myself very fortunate for that.
Sadly, I have to admit that I definitely have my moody moments (a sign of artistic genius I hope, ha). I can be very funny and social when I'm feelin' it. Then there are times when I can barely stand hearing people talk. Freaky! I wish I could explain it. I DO tend to get a little too worked up over other people's problems even if they don't affect me. I find this funny because I'm not really that sensitive of a person. I've been accused of being a cold fish on a few occasions. I dunno. I think that I gravitate toward people of talent and potential and I just hate to see them be the ones putting up the roadblocks that THEY have to get through.
I like to think that I'm stubborn when neccessary. I have no problem admitting that I'm wrong ... when I'm wrong. I listen. I do my best to be fair and comprimising. But I know when to stick to my guns, y'know? My mouth is truly my best tool as well as the blade that may not slit my own throat, but definitely gives it a damn good knick on occasion. I try to maintain a level of tact, but my honesty tends to bypass that filter sometimes. My thought is that I'd rather get the slap in the face right away than have to keep building upon a half-truth or outright lie over time. Some people appreciate this about me and some... But for the most part, my honesty keeps me out of alot of shit. I think it's also kept me single (ha)!