Coffee, beer, highking and just staying alive having fun
The hot Carlsberg heritage, Mitch Buchanan aka David Hassel the hoff, Michael Bolton, Beyonce (i can take that bitch), all my beautiful friends back in iceland and all over the world...
Steven Seagal and thunderbox, Michael Bolton, David Hasselhoff, Beyonce, Putumayo, Vanilla Ice da man!
Clueless, The craft, BARBARELLA queen of the galaxy, Zogo kids, ZOOLANDER, Glitter and many more!
CSI, Law and order, reality shows, Jay Leno, BAYWATCH!, Nightrider
The devils cup, how to pull a ploder the autobiography by Bryndis Ploder...
ME! Michael Bolton, Kolbrun Yr, Thrallur, David Hasselhoff, MICHAEL BOLTON, miss pinky... lovEMall