my girlfriend Britt, my dog (DUKIE), drawing, snowboarding, watching movies, comics mostly Marvel, drinking beer, playing video games, tattoos, Star Wars, J's Deli
Jeff Smith, George Lucas, Stan Lee, Mark Bode, Ashley Wood, Bruce Cambell
rap, classic rock, emo, punk, reggae, metal, classical little bit of everything
starwars, marvel/dc, horror flix, kung-fu, cloak and dagger, mobster, everything movies are awesome especially really messed up/foreign ones are right up my ally
dont watch much but Family Guy, Miami Ink, Animal Planet, Heroes, Rob and Big,Discovery channel, EVANGELION!
JTHM, Catcher in the Rye, Outsiders, Snowboarder Pro, Calvin and Hobbs, Angels and Demons, The Canabible, Anthony Burgess, Gunslinger born Dark Tower, BONE
my father