Rabbit profile picture


♥Salvador Air♥

About Me

♥My life (available from all good pubs, clubs, raves and most good supermarkets:)♥

4 cans of sprite

One Love

A bipty

1 x Hotboxed flat

jewish midgets

2 x Guitars

16 packets of wax

Cornish guilt

1 x My Didi

1000,000 strings of beads

1 x Lobstun with a cubbun

Crunchy friends in a liquid broth

2 x Silk worms

Too many close gingers

1 x Brother Biggy

4x Contact lenses for taste buds

1 x hilarious porn

1 x Charloleezay

A confused cat/dog

2x Whales having sex

Never enough shoes

19 flesh breads

1 and only secret seven

an Art

A Chris Unn with optional chili sauce

20 x Tubs of ice cream

Every night out

7 x Round house kick to the face in these bad boys

1 Keith Corned Beef

54 x jobs for idle hands to do

1 x Scholarship

8.5 x pots of steel cream

Some anemia

A 7 year old red bean bag

50 cups of tea

3.6 potholes in a lawn

3 x Pop your little draws out

2 x France

18 x lutkas

My little ginger

An extremely sweet tooth

Ribbons and knocks

1 x Long distance

A Can of peas

8 happy thumbs

37 x ancient mice

60,000000 Grams

One lovely beard

too many bad dreams

Some melted captains

2 x Peens

The foot of an angry life guard

1x Lost Richard

Half a hawaian shirt

One Blossom Studio

Infinate pages of lyrics

6 peachy fingers poked into a downstairs eye

3 x Trips to Ikea

A few comics

1 x Twigbus Fizzskin

80 poses and pictures

28 x Skin ships sailed into a cradel of filth

My Jeff Buckley

1 x injured turtle that no one wants to buy

Some welsh sprinkles

1 x massive scar (comes in a packet with ruined career)

6 x Lamb of God

179 x Sleepless nights

2 x little sisters

5 table spoons

1 x wiggely bat

2 scoops of shit

95 bottles of Srimoff (not smirnoff)

1x Marky mark the Ferg

10 knobbely toes

A horrible situation

1 x Beef

A really very saw carpet burn

1 x so many secrets

One London

My Interests

can be interesting

I'd like to meet:

♥Myself ten years ago♥


♥Is everything to me♥


♥Donnie Darko♥

♥Edward scissor hands♥

♥Man on the moon♥

♥Texas chainsaw massacre♥

♥Ma Mere♥

♥Dead mans shoes&hearts

♥Old Boy♥


Requium for a dream


♥Some Like it Hot♥

♥Fight Club♥

♥It's All Gone Pete Tong♥

♥Mean Girls♥

♥House of flying daggers♥

♥The little mermaid♥

♥American History X♥

♥Blade Runner♥

♥Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind♥


♥Withnail and I (funniest film EVER)♥

♥Kill Bill♥

♥Rosemary's Baby♥

♥ The Shining♥

♥Liar Liar♥


&;heartsBattle Royal (the japanese version)♥


♥Once upon a time in America♥

♥ Carrie♥


♥The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari♥♥Singing in the rain ♥Jean de Florette.♥

♥fear and loathing in las vegas♥

♥Teh science of sleeping♥

♥Pan's Labrynth♥

♥Old boy♥

♥Lady vengance♥


♥sex and the city♥

♥The Simpsons♥

♥ Familly guy♥

♥ Southpark♥

♥ Ghost Busters♥


&hearts:Dextor's lab, Thundercats, Transformers, Cow and chicken, Powerpuff girls, (note to self: grow up)♥

♥"Etre et Avoir" by Nicholas Philibert♥♥The Mighty Boosh♥



Peep Show



♥The Beach (all time favourite book, I don't know how many times i've read it)♥

♥Vogue (most other womens magazines offer too much life advice for my liking...and shit life advice if that)♥

♥Junk and Doing it by Melvin Burgess♥

Almost every Shakspere play under the sun♥

Wild SwansThe Chinese Cinderella

♥PJ Harvey, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jimi Hendrix biography♥

♥Dream Brother (Jeff and Tim Buckley biography)♥

♥Harry Potter♥

♥To kill a mocking bird♥

♥Whose Life is it anyway♥

1984 by George Orwell


Miss World circa 1988

My Blog

Do this please. Its a well rubbish quiz for myspace users at 2am. Beautiful soup.

1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet?4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Would you kiss me? 6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. 7. Describe me in one word. 8. W...
Posted by Rabbit on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 06:49:00 PST

a few words from the wise

"Je appel Shane achos maen safe. Old grannys that stand defiant in the face of the massive lightswitch was molested by a rather cracked dick'ead who enjoyed giving smashing rims and running around lik...
Posted by Rabbit on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 01:11:00 PST

Fuck size zero

Anyone who has been following the ups and downs of this fuckign "Size Zero" craze which reached the hight of fashion amoungst the public, during last summer will probably have seen "Super slim me", a ...
Posted by Rabbit on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 06:30:00 PST

2006 was a good bad year....

So i am currently waiting for the fucking washing machine and dryer to hurry up and finish so i can pack all my shit to go to France skiing, (where I shall be ending my 2006 with my dear friend Bellu...
Posted by Rabbit on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 01:33:00 PST

Dream Temple

Ok so admittedly I don't like trance. Admittedly most of the population don't like trance, however, when there's a rave in London it must be raved. Ginger's back from exceter, Charley's off work and w...
Posted by Rabbit on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 10:32:00 PST

Whirly gig dec 06

.....I can't remember......what you see in the pics is what you get.....all i know is that i ahve a new found lovve for many things that i cant remember what they are...and i have a bruise on my leg i...
Posted by Rabbit on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 05:43:00 PST

Halloween party de Constance

Ok So the long time comin Connie party took place a little premature to halloween but none the less it was a spooky ol' time. It went something like this... Massive paper spider. Pirate bitches.Rudebo...
Posted by Rabbit on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 05:30:00 PST

Amsterdam October 2006

I could try and put it all into a cronological ordered story but I don't think I can really..... Butters magic shoes Surprise! Ball sack smugelling Crazy ass driver, pedestrians, J walkers, cyclists A...
Posted by Rabbit on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 03:56:00 PST

Blossom Studio

Right children. Anyone who knows me well enough to know that im not one to promote unknown bands and stuff unless they're very good friends or whatever...just forget that a minute. If you are in a ba...
Posted by Rabbit on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 06:01:00 PST


September the 24th 2006 was a blessed day upon all of God's creations as Constance Marion Tankerville Chamberlayne became a er.....lady...pssh. ANYway, Jerusalem bar of Soho saw the faces of many of m...
Posted by Rabbit on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 10:51:00 PST