In a dazzling display of asshole-ness, MyLame won't let me link to my interviews on their actual sites so I have copied and pasted them into my blog. Just click the link. Also, I've added an entry at the top that clarifies what's going on with my back and the recent surgery, in case anyone wants facts instead of speculation.
If you never knew Earl Root, I pity you. I did and it was one of the best things that could have happened to me. The radio show, the twin cities, the international metal community and my life have all been bettered by his presence and now suffer greatly from his passing. Each day the sadness grows and yet I try harder and harder to honor his memory by living happy, healthy and well. Damn it's hard. Never have I been so affected by the death of someone close to me. Rest in peace, boss. I miss you and I will not let anyone forget THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL...ever.
I'm the lead vocalist for an indie/alt/ecclectic/technical jazz/death/hardcore/whatever metal band called D.I.M. Our sound is totally our own...we are proud to be a thorn in the side of scene bitches everywhere. I am very fortunate to be working with such talented, brilliant musicians. The song on my player is from a free demo e.p. that we have available for download on our page (in my top friends...hint hint!). We didn't play many shows before due to our former drummer's busy schedule, but now we have a new guy who is ready to do this thing and so in the fall when I'm back on my feet and we have our full-length written, we'll be tearing up basements, clubs and galleries all across the midwest and from there, scattered tours...sweet. D.I.M. is #1 in my top friends, add it!
I also have the honor of being part of the longest-running metal radio show in history, "The Root Of All Evil"-hosted by the mighty EARL ROOT, until his recent death. The man started it back when most of us were still in diapers. We only answer to our listeners. It broadcasts on KFAI 90.3 FM Minneapolis/106.7 FM St. Paul and worldwide online at every Saturday night/Sunday morning, 1-666 a.m. CST. It's #2 in my top friends. Add it! I've been on medical leave from the show due to my back problems, but I'm slowly coming back-and I'm still very active behind-the-scenes...designing stickers and web pages, setting up showcases, etc. Earl was a big inspiration to me over the years and I'll always have his back.
And OH, JUST YOU WAIT! until you get a load of my brutal-as-all-fuck math metal band THIS WILL NOT END WELL. This shit's gonna fry your brain. Did I mention it's brutal as all fuck? 'Cuz it is. Thrash/death noise with Lots of Meshuggah, Psyopus, Every Time I Die and Dillinger Escape Plan influences. We're in the songwriting process right now but soon we will make our debut. You'd best stock up on aspirin, bandages and icepacks. You're gonna need it. The plan is the same as D.I.M.'s but with less hooks and more concussions...finish writing and recording, play locally, then regionally, then scattered tours! sweet...
I'm always keeping busy. I am very active in the metal and hardcore communities. Maybe I'll start ANOTHER band. Maybe I'll organize a festival. Who knows? Watch for my bulletins. Check back for updates and whatnot.
My aol messenger s/n is diablerie322. When it's on I talk to anybody who's cool...doesn't matter who you are or what you're into. If I'm in a good mood I might even give you a song or two from my band.
I'd like to meet:
Met her already. Her name's Verbena. I'll kill for her.
Pure fucking metal...a good amount of hardcore (I can do without all the snobbery though)...and some punk. I also like rap if it's done right (so sad, it usually isn't) and I am a big fan of eastern classical music. I also like the darker, harder forms of electronic music (drum and bass, hardore, etc) and when I wanna chill I listen to trance.
Anything with light sabers, zombies, swords, axes, power tools, blood and/or gratuitous sex.
I love T.V! So much competition taken out of the game to sit and stare at it, and I didn't even have to lift a finger! Do me a favor and keep watching it.
Lots of philosophical, classic and Satanic literature. Yep, I said SATANIC.
ME. Yep, I'm my own Goddamn hero and I'll be the one who puts the happy ending on this motherfucker. That having been said I have watched, learned from and been inspired by many...far too many to name here.