Nicky profile picture


just a crazy gurl livin a crazy life . . . . .

About Me

So I thought it might be time I updated this! I finished my Bachelor of Applied Animal Technology thankfully and have spent the last five months travelling! I was in Michigan for three months at a summer camp teaching people to ride before I became a college kid for a couple of weeks, saw the sights in Chicago and then moved onto the Dominican Republic in the Carribean! That was paradice and I cant wait to return! I then did all the theme parks in LA wasted some money in Vegas and relaxed some more in Hawaii before heading home to NZ to earn money to do it all again!Ive made some amazing friends, and have the travel bug for life! Im grounded by my family, friends, and five horses at the moment though so I wont be going anywhere for a few months! I love meeting new people and Im pretty easy going so if you want to know more just ask!!xxxClown Type-"Laughter is the way to your heart. A man with a fab sense of humour is definitely the one for you! You want a Clown, someone who can laugh at himself and make you laugh, too. There's nothing more tedious than a man who takes himself too seriously. You know that if a chap is silly, he's generally self-confident and secure. Your man is a people magnet and everyone's favourite friend. There's never a dull moment with your clown nearby. You crave excitement and a bit of a laugh, and your clown enhances those things in your life. You probably think life is too short to spend it without a smile. Your witty lad will ensure that that doesn't happen - his light hearted and silly ways make everything a little bit brighter." hahahahahaha Life is way too short for tears :)

My Interests

Anything and Everything :) To name a few music, dancing and choreography adventure sports, surfing, the beach, photography and art, relaxing with friends, road trips, writing, and trying new things!

I'd like to meet:

People who are down to earth and know how to have a good time without worrying about tomorrow or what others will think :) I want to meet the world and have an amazing time while doing it.


I love all sorts of music and any artist has good qualities! At the mo my faves are Sinfura, Redline . . . Still waiting for your CD :P Op shop, Jasons got a killer voice! The Feelers, Steriogram, Green Day, Blindspott, Head Automatica, and of course the old classics Blink 182, Incubus, Live and Supergroove! I also love The Killers, Sum 41 Simple Plan, Green Day and heaps more, RnB and Hip Hop own me, but depending on my mood I will listen to everything! Fat Freddy's Drop have got to be the ultimate live performance :) I support NZ music all the way and will listen to anything once! I admire anyone in a band for doing what they love cause the music industry can be dam hard to break into! SingSing at Float on a Thurs night rocks go WOF !!!! Ill listen to some DJs all night such as DJ Logikal :) An can be seen at some Dance parties on random occasions . . .I'm also prety well known as a Hip Hop lover too, if you can dance to it I'll listen to it!


Anchorman . . . . . right on! Team America Fuk Yea :) Anything that makes me laugh and can take me away from reality I'm into any kind of movie really, bring back reno movie sessions!! I miss you Fitzy :(


Desperate Housewives, any old skool cartoons bring back Jem!! Whats with cartoons these days? Ive become addicted to House and some other random shows on TV but I barely get a chance to see them


Last book I read was about the texas chainsaw murders fully freaked me out! I'll read anything from music bios to egyptian stories like ramses and of course The Lord of the Rings - the books always better than the movie!


My mum shes the coolest :) Oooooo and the lovely guy who taught me how to surf . . . you know who you are

My Blog

America Here I Come!

Hey guys, As most of you already know I applied for a job with camp america teaching kids how to ride horses. Well I got a job at an awesome family camp in Michigan, I fly out on the 31st of May and&...
Posted by Nicky on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 05:12:00 PST

. . . . Did I post a comment on your page with two full stops?

If so, Im really sorry, I have no idea how it happened!!! I didnt put comments on your pages :( Its one of those mysteries!
Posted by Nicky on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 11:48:00 PST

. . . . . .

I want a guy that will brush the hair from my face and watch me fall asleep into a happy slumber. I want a guy that will put his arm around my shoulders protectively one who will stare into my eyes an...
Posted by Nicky on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 01:51:00 PST

Uni Is Over!!! I Passed!!! Bring on Graduation!

So my 3 year degree is over, and Im so excited!!!!! I have no idea what to do with my life yet, but plannin on travelling a lot next year, I head to America in June :) I dont feel old enough to have ...
Posted by Nicky on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 11:13:00 PST


Hey Guys, As you may have noticed Im barely on here anymore, if you wana see updated photos or send me a message that Ill actually answer do it on my bebo page . . . . Tha...
Posted by Nicky on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 12:32:00 PST


His eyes are deep pools drawing me inside his thoughts, his mind, Im falling waiting for him to catch me, he does, Im dancing spinning around and around, not thinking, not caring t...
Posted by Nicky on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 01:31:00 PST

Ill probably delete this tomorow

Do you ever wake up in the morning and wonder why you exist? What is your devine purpose in this world? Then you fall back asleep into the dream that you only want to escape from. Life. How many times...
Posted by Nicky on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 02:49:00 PST

Clown Type

Apparently my perfect match according to a random quiz is:  Clown Type Laughter is the way to your heart. A man with a fab sense of humour is definitely the one for you! You want a Clown, someone...
Posted by Nicky on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 02:43:00 PST

Random Thoughts . . . . . . . .

Ive got the travel bug, friends are flying away only to bypass those that are returning I want to be with them, I want to escape.  I want to go and explore, to swim in lagoons with only the bird...
Posted by Nicky on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 04:23:00 PST

New Years . . . . My Birthday

OMG Rhythm and Vines was one of the most amazing experiances of my life, and I actually remember all of it!!! hehe Thats a first for me at New Years! Im now officially in love with Fat Freddy's Drop, ...
Posted by Nicky on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 02:57:00 PST