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Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
Get your own slideshow on RingoRingo - Photo Sharing Made Easy
I am Laura Valeska Christiansen!! Officialy known as (bananaface or Loopy)

My Interests

My biggest interest of all is Music...Live, breath and eat Music! From every edge..I have been part of many alternative, pop, rnb and Funk projects, sang soo many different styles, and worn out hundreds of hairbrushes in the process! But Not just singing Music. I cant go through 1 single day without hearing at least 5 songs that have entered my head during sleepy time.. Also Just started training with a girls Ruggers team here in Malta! When i get the time i also lolve obsessing about the gym and getting into a 5 day routine...and a bit of ponsy speed walking! Ofcourse my Husband and children are my biggest interest of all! ..

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet lots of new peeps with a taste for wine, late nights ..loud music, guitar jams and beach bbq hang outs!! and nannies!!hahaha But Prince...i love adventurous people who always look on the bright side of life!!
Name: Laura
Birthday: August 16
Birthplace: Bedford
Current Location: Denmark
Eye Color: hazel
Height: 172
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage:
The Shoes You Wore Today: Timberlands
Your Weakness: Chocolate, liquorice,
Your Fears: Not achieving my goals
Your Perfect Pizza: garlic, chicken fresh basil
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Record Deal...MAJOR HEHEHE
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: Teeeeeeeeeee Heeeeeeeeeeee
Thoughts First Waking Up: Yesh...breakfast time!!
Your Best Physical Feature: when trained...legs
Your Bedtime: Midnight
Your Most Missed Memory:
Pepsi or Coke: sprite
MacDonalds or Burger King: KFC
Single or Group Dates: Neither
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Green
Chocolate or Vanilla: CHOCOLATE
Cappuccino or Coffee: Nothing instant! anything fresh
Do you Smoke: yes
Do you Swear: yes
Do you Sing: YES, YES YES
Do you Shower Daily: Every morning before i do anything else
Have you Been in Love: I am
Do you want to go to College: music tech college
Do you want to get Married: I am
Do you belive in yourself: Not always
Do you get Motion Sickness: No
Do you think you are Attractive: Sometimes
Are you a Health Freak: can be
Do you get along with your Parents: Yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: Love them
Do you play an Instrument: mmm, plan to
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yes
In the past month have you Smoked: yes
In the past month have you been on Drugs: no, never
In the past month have you gone on a Date: No never hehehe
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no, but want one now!
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: never tried! prefer spice!!but would like to try
In the past month have you been on Stage: yes
In the past month have you been Dumped: no
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: no
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: no
Ever been Drunk: yes
Ever been called a Tease: yes
Ever been Beaten up: no..i'll kick derrr ass..
Ever Shoplifted: yes, and returned it!!fely guilty..was a lip balm from woolies
How do you want to Die: dont want to
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: when i am a growed up i will a Rock star
What country would you most like to Visit: Malasia
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: blue or green
Favourite Hair Color: ?? my husband has lejøbersteg
Short or Long Hair: short
Height: taller then me
Weight: fatter then me
Best Clothing Style: skate, baggy...shexshy
Number of Drugs I have taken: 0
Number of CDs I own: many, many many
Number of Piercings: have had 7 dont use any now!
Number of Tattoos: 1
Number of things in my Past I Regret: 3



Aghhhhh, Oh well lets start at the very beginning!!lalalalala My first ever Cassette was Kyle Minogue, and Jason Donavon! haha, ok i was far to young to know what was going on! (stocking filler) and upgraded to NKOTB, several of those, and toeventually working towards NKOTB cds to The first one i bought was Ace of Base...Which i still have today and put it on as a rare treat! But during the cassette and early cd stage i was into vrious bits and bobs really, from my Dads collection of The Beatles, level 42, Prefab spout, Elvis Costello, Bit of Early Elton, and borjouir tag? So as you can see a different approach to the beginning of a music obsession! I have been through aall sorts of fases like the (i'm not proud to admit as a musiscian)hahah 'Boy Band Craze) I went from New Kids to Take 5 Prats, to EYC, Benz(heard of them?)Boyzone...finally it stopped there when i realized how very sad it was to sign as Laura Lynch on everything! aghhhhh hahahaha Awwwwwww Nawwwwwwwwww... During this Phase i would have little girlie bands with my best pals at the time KLA..or Peace love and unity ahahaha ...(i know!!)where we would practise hand through hair moves and write cheesey raps and harmonise to Tapes of Eternal..Then hit which i always had a soft place for..Alternative..Rock, Funk, Indie, Mental Metal, Jazz, Punk and Skar..Was never which type of jean to ever wear! The Red Hot Chille Peppers, Incubus, Creed(iknow) Love Third eye blind, Placebo, Straw, Deftones, Bluetones, Dodgy, Ash, Bloodhoun gang, The Offspring, Raindog, Stone Roses, Sublime, Mighty Mighty Boss tones, The motorholmes, Lenny Kravitz, Prince, Jimmy Hendrix aghhh soo much more.. i was also in a couple of bands, a family band called Teaser with my 3 bros and couple of mates and a girl band called Cover girls where we only actually ever did one gig! anyways...Music Then there was the maaad RnB stage, i was hooked, Always loved RnB But was crazy about Blackstreet, Aaliya,Joe, Wayne Marshal, Lucy Pearl, Jill Scott, Angie Stone, Eryka Badhu du, Monica, Brandy,Lina,Gwen stepharni, Maxwell, d'angelo, Destinys Child, Joe, Joe and More Joe...plus soooooooo many others which i will add to! Mrvin Gaye, Al Green, Gladice Knight, Gc Cameron, sister sledge,will continue Pharell williams, Timberland, Justin Timbers, Jc sanchez.....


Empire Records hahaha, well was..think its a bit baaaaaaaaaaad now actually..hmmm, think anything by Rober D, and anything with Ben stiller....because he is really really, reall, really crazy good looking! White chicks made me wet my pants!!!! NICE..Jazz


Here in Mol'ah we only have bbc prime so Easties is as good as it gets, oh and bala-bloody-mory!!


I know its terreebleh, but i am pants, i have no attention span..i would love to be able to say i love..bla bla and books written by that really good one, but i have only ever read 3 books cover to cover, back at st clairs..enid B, the only english book in danish libary in fyn..'bridget jones diary 2' and oh tell a lie, 4... are you experianced..read in india! and 'forget you had a daughter'...Know any good ones?


Prince...any big music artist who gives that special passion!Sir Marrrrvlous Gaye, Michael Jackson, rED HOT cHILE PEPPERS

My Blog


http://www.myspace.com/laurajacksonhka   check out my music!!...
Posted by loopins on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 03:05:00 PST