Layne profile picture


You take a piece of whatever you touch, too many pieces means you're touching too much.

About Me

I've started my own vending business. It's small now, but I am trying to secure funds at the moment to increase greatly. The name of the company is Gimme Some Sugar Vending. I got the title from the movie Army of Darkness. As I describe later, I am obsessed. I am married and have an 18 month old son named Gabriel. My wife, Lynn, is also helping me with my company because she doesn't like my job and can't wait to see me quit. So this business would allow that. If you want to know more, and I doubt you really care, go ahead and message me.
Myspace Layouts

My Interests

I like writing. I have a hard time finishing anything, but I enjoy it none the less. I also enjoy acting and filming though currently I don't have a video camera. Reading, slacking off as much as possible. I like watching movies and making fun of others. That made sound rude, but I don't mind if others make fun of me. I do it all the time and trust me there is plenty of material.

I'd like to meet:

I am not a big fan of people. They just tend to annoy me, so while there are some people I would like to meet, I am afraid that I wouldn't be as interested once I was face to face.


I mostly listen to country. No I am not a hick or a cowboy, it's just what I grew up listening to it and it's what I enjoy. I listen to other stuff but I am not big into music so I don't know the name of the artists or songs usually.


I am a huge movie fan. I love the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I think my favorite movie of all time is Braveheart. It's the only movie that has almost made me cry on several viewings. Another huge favorite, almost an obsession, is the Evil Dead trilogy. That's Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2 Dead by Dawn, and Army of Darkness. I collect memoribilia from those movies like crazy. If that makes me weird then so be it. "I'll swallow your soul"


Ucckkkk another thing I am hooked on. It wasn't so bad until I got DVR and now I watch way too much tv. I record tons of stuff that sits for months sometimes waiting to be watched. I don't watch sitcoms, just the one hour drama stuff. I like a lot of scifi and fantasy type shows.


Love to read. Again I read a lot of fantasy stuff, but I do like Steven King and Dan Brown's stuff. I really like The Dragonlance Chronicles and I am in a good series right now by Laura K. Hamilton about vampires and the like. Just give me a good book and a candle to read by and I am happy.