HEY, I'm Jeremy,
Some personal stuff about me (if your interested):
I grew up in Sydney and haven't been overseas YET. ARHHH!
I've been living out of home ever since '99 from Killara - Greenwich - Pymble - Chatswood - Willoughby - Roseville - Lane Cove - Epping - Ryde - Ryde and been through my fair share of housemates!
While running an Entertainment Ligthing Business in '2000 I developed lighting controller software . Then I choose a career as a software engineer specialising in Windows Applications (C#;, VB, Java) and Web Systems.
For Work:
I' have worked for many companies: Microsoft, Datacom, Free Spirit Internation, Race Computers, www.ShowCast.com.au , NSW Minerals Council, Executive Health Management & etc.
For Fun:
Half adrenaline junky, half romantic. I love to code, play music, old skool rave, and create, but I also love to exercise, eat well, socialise, and train in martial arts. I spend a good amount of time in study and meditation.
My Job:
I'm a Microsoft ninja, a certified Programming Trainer. And I get PAID for it! What's YOUR excuse?
My Ethnicity:
Generic white mutt. Or 'European Australian'. Or 'Chromatically Challenged'.
Favorite Things:
I have a major love (bordering on fetish) for inventing things. I love art, music (dance), intelligent conversation, wit, expanding my comfort zone and most of all humor.
In summary:
I have a personality thats thicker than a Vegas dancer's underpants... and intelligence, by all standards, beyond a rock.
Some advertising for me:
Event Log Diagnostic Program
You can usually find me at the following forums: Microsoft MCT forum (private), Reviving the musical euphoria of early 90’s rave , In The Mix (ITM) , Log Parser , Code Project
fantasy layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com