Jeremy profile picture


The Meaning Of Lights!

About Me

HEY, I'm Jeremy,
Some personal stuff about me (if your interested):
I grew up in Sydney and haven't been overseas YET. ARHHH!
I've been living out of home ever since '99 from Killara - Greenwich - Pymble - Chatswood - Willoughby - Roseville - Lane Cove - Epping - Ryde - Ryde and been through my fair share of housemates!
While running an Entertainment Ligthing Business in '2000 I developed lighting controller software . Then I choose a career as a software engineer specialising in Windows Applications (C#;, VB, Java) and Web Systems.
For Work:
I' have worked for many companies: Microsoft, Datacom, Free Spirit Internation, Race Computers, , NSW Minerals Council, Executive Health Management & etc.
For Fun:
Half adrenaline junky, half romantic. I love to code, play music, old skool rave, and create, but I also love to exercise, eat well, socialise, and train in martial arts. I spend a good amount of time in study and meditation.
My Job:
I'm a Microsoft ninja, a certified Programming Trainer. And I get PAID for it! What's YOUR excuse?
My Ethnicity:
Generic white mutt. Or 'European Australian'. Or 'Chromatically Challenged'.
Favorite Things:
I have a major love (bordering on fetish) for inventing things. I love art, music (dance), intelligent conversation, wit, expanding my comfort zone and most of all humor.
In summary:
I have a personality thats thicker than a Vegas dancer's underpants... and intelligence, by all standards, beyond a rock.
Some advertising for me:
Event Log Diagnostic Program
You can usually find me at the following forums: Microsoft MCT forum (private), Reviving the musical euphoria of early 90’s rave , In The Mix (ITM) , Log Parser , Code Project
fantasy layout @ HOT

My Interests

Beach, snowboarding, old skool Raving, coding (PCs), bars, clubs, pool, tennis

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, John Titor and

A good looking woman who is:
Funny, Yes
Loud, No Thanks
Seductive, Always
Quiet, Sometimes
Tall, Good
Short, Bad
Athletic, Yep
Fat, No way
Immature, No way
Competitive, Can be
Hyper, Just like me
Smoker, Social
Drinker, Heavy
Smart, Yep
Dumb, If she wishes
Observant, Yes


FAT effin BEATS (Early 90's techno)


My Blog

Hi All!

Hey All! Feel free to drop me a message... and just be yourself, no else is better qualified!
Posted by Jeremy on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 12:12:00 PST