Happy profile picture


I'm Having Adventures!

About Me

I'm sweet, I'm mean. I contradict myself, but not really. I'm clever and often even wise. wise enough to recognize my own lies. occasionally I rhyme b/c "it pleases me". Spelling correctly is not the highest thing on my list, just enough so I'm clear. I like enjoying my body, mind and heart, so it's best when I treat them well.

This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3.2b

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Optimists,***** Sensualists (you might think you're one...but only a few of you really are)******Compassionate, Considerate people, ***People who don't lie to Children, Protectors of Peace, Justice and Love,*** Myself


If it moves my mind, heart or body, I'm liking it. Music from other countries interests me. Ido some of my better listening to voices. I also love crunchy music with deep crooning vocals...


I am a nerd and take notes at films. I study them later and incorporate them into my psyche... seriously. I'm a nerd. Weird Science/Breakfast Club. Matrix/ Fight Club/ American Beauty... all "change your reality" movies. Hairspray/ RHPS ( but not so much the "shows", just the film itself).**** What the Bleep do we know?... go see this if you have not. documentaries and other educating/ informative shows/ films. A good sexy Vampire film... yumm.


eek! TV scares me. grew up on it. must be careful. powerful drug. If I am near one and something FUNNY is on, I'll watch.I believe in Information.. it's YOUR job to become wise. and I do believe that if given the opportunity to make your own choices you will either soon enough learn, or you will die from you poor choices.


Grew up on Stephen King books, so I have a taste for Intellectual Dark.**** Now my bookshelves are lined with "self help" books, but actually USE the info in them and I feel become a better person. some of MY BIBLES are: ***"Light Emerging" Barbara Brennan. ****"Artist's way" Julia Cameron,**** "The Four Agreements" Don Miguel Ruiz,***"Counscious Person's Guide ot Relationships" Ken Keyes. and Calvin and HObbes.**** Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay


Mother Teresa, Yoda, Lucille Ball, Madonna, Mae West, Rizard, Marilyn Manson, Smoochy the Rhino, Annie Sprinkle, Susie Sexpert, anyone brave enough to LOVE