Craig profile picture


Sit Tight but the Revolutions in the Way. Losing Faith and I'm Running out of Things to Say.

About Me

What you know about me will lead you to learn about others. There is, in essence, everyone and noone. Where does the line end between you and me. Look into yourself and learn about everyone. Other than that, I was born, I am living, parts of me have dies to give birth to more of me. I have fallen in love, I have fallen asleep, I have even fallen out of a tree. I like to think with my brain, and create with everything else. I like sex, fond of books and am a man with a plan. I seek solitude, companionship and thoughts. If your still reading then you like words. I think that'll be cryptic enough to keep you around. Learn more @ meetCraighe' If you just tried that website, then read it again. You are Ghosts this is the Underground.

My Interests

FILMS (the kind that actually entertain and make you think, meaning not "White Chicks"), MUSIC (the kind that provokes response, in form of revolution. emotion or REAL talent. meaning not American Idol, that just pisses me off) ART (not your Linen's and Things bargain price shit, I mean Pollak, Andy Warhol, Kubrick and Van Gogh quality pieces) KNOWLEDGE, PHILOSOPHY, and SPORTS (Buddha hast blessed New England)

I'd like to meet:

People who want to be my friends....oh and your mom.


Thelonius Monk, Rage Against the Machine, Louie Armstrong, Howard Shore, Tom Waitts, The Doors, The Shins, U2, Beck, Ennino Morricone, Modest Mouse, The Stooges, Modern Jazz Quartet, Led Zepplein, The Who, Damion Rice, Jon Brion, Radiohead, Ray Charles, Jefferson Airplane (or Starship depending), Sonic Youth, DJ Shadow, The White Stripes, Big-D and the Kids Table, Chignon, The Beatles, Gotta give "props" to the ZOO and old school 99 Cent Special, (and I'm braindead and can't think of anymore bands, but you get the idea. This could take hours)


Indiana Jones Trilogy, Fight Club, Garden State, I Heart Huckabees, Pulp Fiction, A Clockwork Orange, Kill Bill, Amelie, Resevoir Dogs, Jackie Brown, Star Wars Trilogy, Lord of the Ring Trilogy, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Rules of Attraction, Ray, Get Shorty, The Seven Samurai, The Last Samurai, The Matrix Trilogy and the Animatrix, Coffee and Cigarettes, I'll be honest there are some entertaing pornos, The Longest Day, Casablanca, Saving Private Ryan, Batman, Collateral, Braveheart, I could go on and on and on and about my films: Alone Napoleon's Dogs The Fight 1 and 2 Ethan's epic: Marooned My epic: Half World The Poker Table At the World's Close and the cult classic: The Adventures of Sundance


Don't Watch TV


Confederacy of Dunces, The Lord of the Rings, The Divine Comedy, Said the Shotgun to the Head (well thats actually a poem), The Odyssey, The Iliad (their poems too), Invisible Monsters, Fight Club, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, His Holiness the Dalai Lama (and check next week on reading rainbow for...)


The Dalai Lama, Directors that stir Thought, Athletes that show the limits of human ability, Writers that stir Knowledge, Artists the stir Emotion, Dana Cataldo.

My Blog

MySpace Hacks are Quite Entertaining

So everyone got a message from me about wanting to drink some wine and sleep with some dudes.Well I wrote it all! Thats not really true, but I did find it quite an entertaining example of how awesome ...
Posted by Craig on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:44:00 PST

Spending Quality Time With a Major Motion Picture

So I got the opportunity to spend time in the Production office during the filmming of 'Chatham' starring David Carradine and Rip Torn (no didn't get a chance to meet them) directed by Daniel Adams (d...
Posted by Craig on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 08:57:00 PST

Miami Vice is Everything Pirates of The Carribean wasn't

Listen up cherubs, Miami Vice is a phenomenal film. I know that often you hear me say that blah blah was the best movie I'v seen in a long time but let me say that Miami Vice has stood the test of tim...
Posted by Craig on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 10:58:00 PST

Google Video

Imagavision Films has taken to the world wide web. We're on Google video now, search: Craig Shannon, Kevin James or Imagavision Films and see a whole slew of fun flicks. Enjoy and keep checking for mo...
Posted by Craig on Thu, 08 Jun 2006 05:04:00 PST

Film is fun, film is grand, lets put our hands together for a new film.

Intro Project, shot in onw night from 10-1am. Anthony looks badass, Kevin looks scared and Me, Bill and Yogi are having a blast....
Posted by Craig on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 09:54:00 PST

International Pancake Day

International Pancake Day, sweet pictures....
Posted by Craig on Fri, 03 Mar 2006 10:24:00 PST

Shakespeare and Emerson

I had the privelage of seeing Hamlet tonight at the Majestic Theatre in Boston on Tremont Street. I recommend that people go out for a night, waste the 45 bucks and check this play out. Theres a certa...
Posted by Craig on Sun, 22 Jan 2006 01:15:00 PST

myspace makes me feel like a cliche

Thats all, just thought it was worth saying. Asalamalinca.
Posted by Craig on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 10:00:00 PST

Radio Show

So as we speak I am at my first radio show, kick ASSS! Its complete and utter mayhem and I love it. Went through an awesome selection my first day but had some extreme difficulties via the sound board...
Posted by Craig on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 04:47:00 PST

No need for an Introduction

"To pass in the waking hours of the day, immersed in the thoughts of love and love lost, to be in the fear of lonliness...At what point do we extend beyond the past and into new grounds. Forsake what ...
Posted by Craig on Sat, 01 Oct 2005 01:02:00 PST