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Oh YES, She WILL be mine!!!A 'Born Again' Christian will say that 'God' doesn't send people to 'Hell'. Rather, people that reject god choose to be isolated from him in 'outer darkness'. Well...god was in outer darkness all by himself for eternity until he evolved to the point where he could create a universe and a planet with people to populate it people that do not worship him are cast into outer darkness (they actually choose this by thinking for themselves) the sheep... (those that blindly follow this god and are unable to create their own reality) are gathered into heaven where reality is created for them the free-thinkers... (the true children of god) are banished into isolation in an eternal void where they must eventually grow into gods they learn how to control the dream and awaken their own creative powers and they eventually create their own universes and beings to worship them beings for which these gods will create reality for and entertain at the same time spawning future free-thinkers sent into outer darkness to fend for themselves and develop their 'spiritual powers' future children of god that will create their own universes ad infinitum and the cycle continuesFlowers Wilt before me, and halos burst into flames. My presence is a curse up your golden cow.
What Be Your Nerd Type? Your Result: Social Nerd
You're interested in things such as politics, psychology, child care, and peace. I wouldn't go so far as to call you a hippie, but some of you may be tree-huggers. You're the type of people who are interested in bettering the world. You're possible the least nerdy of them all; unless you participate in other activies that paled your nerdiness compared to your involvement in social activities. Whatever the case, we could still use more of you around. ^_^
Drama Nerd
Gamer/Computer Nerd
Anime Nerd
Artistic Nerd
Literature Nerd
Science/Math Nerd
What Be Your Nerd Type?
Quizzes for MySpace