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My Name Is
My name is Brent
Brent De Winter to be exact
I live in Queensland but please don't stalk me
My bestfriends rock
I made this myspace under peer-pressure
*cough* Robin *cough*
please feel free to add me ladies
I play drums
I ain't emo, but Ry is [rofl you know I'm kidding]
sarcasm is my middle name
I love music
yep...well I can't think of anything else
Robin, every guy I know wants my client
but as her body guard I will not allow access
*Robin Glares*
Oh unless she tells me to
She's one hell of a bossy one
And she'll get me for saying that, but I know she loves me
Robin is one hell of an awesome babe
she's totally original and I love her
if I were you I'd marry her
but that's against client/worker policy
She's got a good singing voice
she could be a rock star, but no! what would Brent know?
Hurt my client and suffer the killer kick
My brother [in heart]
this guy is the greatest
he might not have my style, but he's got that touchy feely crap girls love *yuk*
but since we're thicker then blood I won't bash him for it
He's a killer guitar player
and he's a total ace at school
but my dear Ry has been heart-broken
I shall never speak its name
but Ry will live, and is moving on, to better people
his one totally awesome dude
my best mate
the only one who knows everything about me
I trust him with my life
Why don't you give him a holla
here's a comment box, thought I'd do what Ry and Robin did
type your love...enter kiss...