ALL My BLOG Entries... Oldest to Newest. (Just scroll through 'n click on the one(s) you might be interested in!)
08.05.06: too little, too late (main part taken straight from my child's blog - sad, huh?)
08.06.06: I've Already Broke 'My' Space!
08.07.06: My Makeshift 'Profile Blurbs' (interests, etc...)
08.17.06: Liquid Ivy ROCKS!
08.24.06: Dan's Big Bottom Girl (ONLY the Strong at Heart should enter!)
09.16.06: Liquid Ivy @ Rack Daddy's - 09/16/2006 10:00 PM
09.23.06: Death is not funny...
09.30.06: Do YOU Read Blogs? (This is a real question from Lys)
09.30.06: Three Kick Azz Bands Gonna Rock O'Rileys on October 6th!
10.21.03: ~* RIP Baby Mone *~ (More Death... More Sadness... Why???)
10.22.06: About Dan
10.28.06: Let's Talk about SEX!
10.31.06: Happy Birthday to Mija, Amanda!!!
11.11.06: Internet Explorer SUCKS! MY Space looks ALL WRONG in it! Please view MY Space with Firefox!
12.12.06: December freebird Fotography Special - Last Chance before Prices Increase!
12.24.06: this is *JUST* myspace folks... lighten up! ;)
12.25.06: Merry Christmas!!!! (some fun 'n funnies!)
12.31.06: Happy Nude Year!
01.03.07: Family Snow Globes... ***aaawww*** Aren't we Beautiful! *wink*
01.13.07: Good News 'n Bad News... A real message from the real Lisa..
02.03.07: "My Boo" is Back!!! (online that is...)
03.25.07: Neat program that tells me a LOT about YOUR profile!!! (With Clickable Links!)
04.21.07: Cinco de Mayo Weekend.....
05.19.07: yeah i'm still here.. sorta
05.21.07: a short story in gaelic... (gotta luv google!)
05.22.07: ... and you call yourself a friend?!?!
05.23.07: FlyBy Slideshows are Too Kewl! Check out This One ~ All the Memorial Day Weekend Show Fliers!
05.26.07: for a good time...
05.30.07: Lysa /confused - LOL!
06.17.07: update on...
06.23.07: My titties are private...
06.24.07: All you gotta do is ASK
06.30.07: this sux
06.30.07: Happy Blog
11.25.07: this just might surprise a couple of y’all...
01.19.08: what we do "after 5" at work
01.26.08: Guess It’s My Turn... "TAGGED"
ALL My BLOG Entries... Newest to Oldest. (Just scroll through 'n click on the one(s) you might be interested in!)
01.26.08: Guess It’s My Turn... "TAGGED"
01.19.08: what we do "after 5" at work
11.25.07: this just might surprise a couple of y’all...
06.30.07: Happy Blog
06.30.07: this sux
06.24.07: All you gotta do is ASK
06.23.07: My titties are private...
06.17.07: update on...
05.30.07: Lysa /confused - LOL!
05.26.07: for a good time...
05.23.07: FlyBy Slideshows are Too Kewl! Check out This One ~ All the Memorial Day Weekend Show Fliers!
05.22.07: ... and you call yourself a friend?!?!
05.21.07: a short story in gaelic... (gotta luv google!)
05.19.07: yeah i'm still here.. sorta
04.21.07: Cinco de Mayo Weekend.....
03.25.07: Neat program that tells me a LOT about YOUR profile!!! (With Clickable Links!)
02.03.07: "My Boo" is Back!!! (online that is...)
01.13.07: Good News 'n Bad News... A real message from the real Lisa..
01.03.07: Family Snow Globes... ***aaawww*** Aren't we Beautiful! *wink*
12.31.06: Happy Nude Year!
12.25.06: Merry Christmas!!!! (some fun 'n funnies!)
12.24.06: this is *JUST* myspace folks... lighten up! ;)
12.12.06: December freebird Fotography Special - Last Chance before Prices Increase!
11.11.06: Internet Explorer SUCKS! MY Space looks ALL WRONG in it! Please view MY Space with Firefox!
10.31.06: Happy Birthday to Mija, Amanda!!!
10.28.06: Let's Talk about SEX!
10.22.06: About Dan
10.21.03: ~* RIP Baby Mone *~ (More Death... More Sadness... Why???)
09.30.06: Three Kick Azz Bands Gonna Rock O'Rileys on October 6th!
09.30.06: Do YOU Read Blogs? (This is a real question from Lys)
09.23.06: Death is not funny...
09.16.06: Liquid Ivy @ Rack Daddy's - 09/16/2006 10:00 PM
08.24.06: Dan's Big Bottom Girl (ONLY the Strong at Heart should enter!)
08.17.06: Liquid Ivy ROCKS!
08.07.06: My Makeshift 'Profile Blurbs' (interests, etc...)
08.06.06: I've Already Broke 'My' Space!
08.05.06: too little, too late (main part taken straight from my child's blog - sad, huh?)
Not much to say right now... If you know me, you already know 'n if you don't then who's to say?
What you see here on MySpace is
only but one side of me...
* NO I do not want to "hook up" with you!
(trust me ~ if I *did* I would have told ya by now!)
* Please do not send random friend requests without at the very least sending a message at the same time to let me know who you are and why you want me to add you!
* Please do not ask me to e-mail pics to you ~ There are plenty here for you to see already!
* Please don't make random assumptions about me... I am a pretty open-minded person ~ if you want to know something about me ~ just freakin ask! (...I'd rather you ask and get the truth, ya know!)
NOW for some of those nagging questions you may have about me...
Why do I put up "provocative" pictures, then turn around 'n say I am not interesting in *bleeping* you?
Because I want people to SEE that Big Beautiful Women can be sexy, too! ('n being "sexy" or putting up "provocative pix" does not mean I want to sleep with every guy who sends me a message ~ LOL!)
Why I you post so many bulletins about so many different bands?
Because in most cases, I personally knew at least one person in each band (from work or other various places); and, if I enjoy going to their shows, I do my best to give them the props 'n support they deserve! (there have only been a couple of rare exceptions to this rule... So, please don't contact me and ask me to pimp your band ~ unless I know ya personally!)
Do I consider myself a "groupie" to the bands I follow 'n promote?
No, not really. LOL! When I grew up, a "groupie" was someone who did special "favors" to get in back-stage or invited to after-parties... I may flirt a LOT; but, the honest truth is: I hang out with the people I hang out with because I enjoy their friendship and their music! 'n with the exception of ocassionally playfully asking for "an autograph" on my boobs or some such similar thing ~ or this one very strange game of strip poker "without cards" ~ I pretty much always leave my clothes on when I'm around my band friends! (dun even try to figure out that game.. it's an inside joke...)
If there is anything else you want to know about me... Pleasetake the time to READ my profile *and* my blog... there's plenty posted already to give you a good start on what I'm all about...
'n REMEMBER: Don't be afraid to ASK! I'd rather you know the truth, than to dream up some twisted ideas of what's really going on in my life ~ LOL!