When Chris and Chip decided to embark on this journey almost a year and a half ago we knew that we did not want to be just another "Cookie Cutter" band. We refused to embarrass ourselves when we went on stage with nothing other than our best. So to that end, we have been very selective in choosing the pieces to our group. It has been a long and drawn out process with many bumps in the road, but we have finally found all the pieces.
We cant begin to tell you how rare it is to find a group of people that seem to gell this way, to know how the others in the band are thinking at any given time and then to be able to play off of one another.
So gather around and just be a little more patient cause we are one.............FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! And I know that because of our desire to not settle for second best, we can be something special. Bethany, with her rich deep vocals and the innate ability to harmonize with a bull frog. (or cookie monster which ever the case may be); Chris and his knowledge of the music background (with the ability to transfer that knowledge to his guitar) coupled with his arrangement abilities. Chip and his abilities to fill in all the gaps and the theory knowledge to keep it all together. Andrew with his crushing leads and riffs that follow and make you melt, will blow your mind away. Last but definately not least, John, coming into the band with his eclectic style and drumming beats will make you want more!!!!!! In essence, we gained a loyal support crew in things....Rachel with photos and Matthew who helps us with graphic design, and (depending on how much he's been drinking) is an occasional stage hand..they are a great asset to the Dark Sol family!!!
This has been along time coming, but i promise that our dedication is unparalelled. We are coming soon to a joint near you and we are just simply going to blow the fucking doors off of the place. Keep track of the page and in the next few months you will see where we are going to be next. Cant wait to see each and every one of you out there.