Hot Rod + Hearse Lovers profile picture

Hot Rod + Hearse Lovers

Redd Hott Artwork

About Me

We check our MySpace page only once a week (give or take). Our replies may take as long as a week, but we promise to get back to you. Thank you for your patience.

Please visit our website:

Redd's Latest Creations
(Click HERE)
(Last Up-Dated on: 26-Jan-2008)

Lisa's Latest Creations
(Click HERE)
(Last Up-Dated on: 26-Jan-2008)


Also check out our store to see
MORE Hot Rod and Hearse creations.

Special requests and commissions
always welcomed!


My Interests

Old Hearses and
Kool Cars!!!


I'd like to meet:

Some very kool folk...

Amazing horror author: Nicole Wronek

You gotta get to know this funny guy! :-D
Stand up comic and airbrush artist, Chuck Carman

Clear Thinking Oasis

Also on MySpace at:

Check out our website
for more links to cool folks.


We always wanna meet new folk with an interest in classic cars, hearses, hot rods, kustom kulture, good times, etc.

REAL people who stick up for those things in which they believe and love. People who NEVER want to stop learning and expanding their minds.

We can't be bothered with the "happily ignorant", fakes, liers, and people who go thru life with their minds closed tighter than a frogs rectum!



Check out some KICK-ARSE bands on our:




Plus anything HORROR, COMEDY, or involving World & American History, Science, or Hot Rods. 'Christine' is one of our top favs along with 'Worlds fastest Indian' and any movie with 'Dead' in the title. *LOL*


Eh... Not much for TV.
Too busy on THIS idiot box.
But when we do watch TV...

Law & Order
Ghost Hunters
History Channel
Discovery Channel
Myth Busters
Anything about cars, science, and/or history (yeah... we're 'nerdy' like that - and proud!)


From the beginning to the end ( by Nicole Wronek )
ALL books about the worlds religions
The DaVinci Code
Just starting on books by Dawkins ... Begining with "The God Delusion"
Psychology books (know thy self, know thy enemy *LOL*)
Science books (gotta know how stuff works!)
Art books (Oooo... pretty pictures.)

Too many to list...


Those who follow both their hearts and minds.
Those who NEVER stop learning.
Those who strive to better the world and become a better person.

Hysterectomy Support by
Clear Thinking Oasis

This profile was edited with Tom Is Not Your Friend Editor

My Blog


Who do we want to meet?     People who have more than just their names on their profile!  You haven't filled out ANY info about yourself?  Why the heck do we want to accept you?&nb...
Posted by Hot Rod + Hearse Lovers on Sun, 09 Dec 2007 07:36:00 PST

Save The World - One Click At A Time!

Save The World - One Click At A Time!On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause - each click creates funding, and costs you nothing!   Bookmark these sites (or just s...
Posted by Hot Rod + Hearse Lovers on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 07:55:00 PST

Back from hiatus

We're baaaack...Well, part time anyway.Lisa's surgery went well and she is recouping nicely. She is still very sore and fatigued, but each day she is a bit better.  Redd has been keeping her...
Posted by Hot Rod + Hearse Lovers on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 03:34:00 PST

Chuck's Comedy Videos *LMAO*

Most people who know us also know our good friend, Chuck Carman.  Those of you who don't have the pleasure of knowing Chuck, allow us to introduce you! Chuck, while being a fantastic airbrush art...
Posted by Hot Rod + Hearse Lovers on Wed, 23 May 2007 10:10:00 PST

The Illegal Alien Issue

1.  If you migrate to this county, you must speak the native language. 2.  You have to be a professional or an investor.  No unskilled workers allowed. 3.  There will be no special...
Posted by Hot Rod + Hearse Lovers on Sun, 06 May 2007 12:17:00 PST


*WOOO*  Here it is...  Nicole Wronek's latest book "From The Beginning To The End". I've spent a goodly part of this past week or more working on the cover for Nicole's newest masterpie...
Posted by Hot Rod + Hearse Lovers on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 07:47:00 PST