The Scott Firefighter Combat Challenge - Derry Fire team 2007, Camp, Swimming, Diving, Golf, Baseball, Football, My dog - Fenway! Breaking s**t! Running up the flag, oh yeah! Home land security - camp again. BOLT. Sig-O.
The guy's who build Wah-Tut-Ca. Bruce Willis. Johnny Peske, Josh Beckett. A living US President, OK so that's Been!!!!!!!! Yogi Berra. Yeah I know he is a Yankee but he's gotta be funny at parties.
Anything that moves. the Slow is for the old. But Rush are GODS! Led Zepplin, Aerosmith,
Anything funny or violent. Weird I know. Put them together and you get Bruce Willis. Superheros are cool. Finding Nemo, Basketball, SWAT, Any Given Sunday, Mystery ALaska, The replacement, A knights Tale, Evolution, Master and Commander, Super Troopers. And so on and so on.....................
Rescue me. I'll miss the West Wing. Smallville, I can't wait till he flies. Battlestar Galactica. All the CSI's, Studio 60. Hero's. Jericho.
Yeah right. Books are like running. Don't you know they invented cars! I go to the movies.
Craig Ryder. US MARINES. My Dad. My Brothahs!