Heavycore Chopping Block Show profile picture

Heavycore Chopping Block Show

Heavycore Chopping Block Show

About Me

The Heavycore Chopping Block Show is a one hour monthly radio show that is hosted by Heavycore founder Pete Altieri. The show features some of the most brutal metal on the planet.

The Heavycore Chopping Block Show only plays songs from bands who belong to the Heavycore organization. Any metal bands that are not members, but want to learn more about Heavycore - go to www.heavycore.net and find out more.

Tune in and check out the wicked Heavycore Chopping Block Show in mp3 format on the web at www.ChoppingBlockShow.com and find out why posers cower underneath their beds when the Heavycore Chopping Block Show is on.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/4/2006
Band Website: choppingblockshow.com
Band Members: Pete Altieri - producer, host, engineer, complete moron
Influences: Pete Altieri is a metal head through and through. He grew up in the 1980's listening to stuff like Judas Priest, Ozzy, and Maiden, but after seeing Metallica on the Ride the Lightening tour . . . he was forever changed!
Soon he began to crave the heavier stuff . . . like Mercyful Fate, Slayer, Venom, Sodom, Kreator, and more. He continues to enjoy the heavier side of metal with stuff like Cannibal Corpse, Death, Carcass, Pro-Pain, and SOD. He also digs some of the more progressive old school stuff like Fates Warning, OSI, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Ozzy and more.
The Heavycore Chopping Block show featues only brutal shit - death metal, thrash, black, old school, and grindcore await you. Go check it out at www.ChoppingBlockShow.com
Sounds Like: A steel toed boot planted firmly in your sack.
Record Label: Heavycore Records
Type of Label: Indie