As of October 7, 2008 I was officially accepted into the Disney College Program in Walt Diney Wold Florida!!! I'm moving across the country early 2009 to work as a merchandise cast member in the parks! Wish me luck!!!
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I’ve never been a huge music junkie. Music just isn’t my life; never has been, never will be. I like music, and like everyone else, I have my favorite bands (which change on an almost hourly basis) and I can safely say that I’ll listen to anything other than Rap (I’m not particularly fond of Hip-hop or R&B either); But, I do prefer rock the majority of the time.
Well, the list is simply too long to go into here, and my favorites tend to change too often to write down. I do tend to watch more of the action and drama types than anything else. As a girl, I must have my occasional chick flick, but I’m definitely not opposed to seeing some things blow up every so often.
I don’t schedule my life around a TV show… which is why I love the internet and all the shows you can find there! I LOVE Pushing Daisies, I obsess over Heroes, and I’m one of those freaks who has watched LOST since it first started. Other than that, I might turn on a little Simpsons here, and a Seinfeld there (yes, I watch Seinfeld) but Daisies, Heroes, and LOST are my three ‘cant miss em’ shows.
I read A TON for pleasure, but during the semester it’s tough to get a good chunk of time to curl up with a good book – soooo most of my reading occurs during the breaks throughout the year. Recently I've read the Twilight series, and I loved the first book! the others were ok I guess, but the initial love story was the best of the 4. I love the Harry Potter books, the Chronicles of Narnia - so it's safe to say that I favor fantasy over anything else really. I think it's healthy to get lost in magic and fiction ever so often. And as far as classics go, I adsolutely adore Pride and Prejudice.
Well, I'm a daddy’s girl- and I'd have to say that my father is definitely my hero. I don't particularly have celebrities that I look up to and hold in heroic regard. I think Morgan Freeman is an excellent actor, but I wouldn't call him a hero... But I suppose My Grandfather is heroic in my eyes. He has stories from his life enough to fill several books!