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Cathy Sanders

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Fire by Night Music Video
.. Psalm 63 Live at Coral Springs- awesome Prophetic move

Add to My Profile | More Videos Newest Song "The First Time You Came"

Add to My Profile | More Videos It is really easy here on Myspace to just add a friend here and there and not really know much about the person. Whether we just met here in cyberspace or you’ve known me for years I think this will help us all to get to know each other better. So please take a few minutes and read, enjoy, and please write back if you would like to!I grew up in Central NY, and my parents have always been solid Christians, so I got saved at age 9. Just a few years after that my parents would notice that after church I would go off to find a piano and plunk out the tunes to the worship songs we sang that day, so they got me into piano lessons, soon followed by voice. This is where it all started.I wrote my first song for a class assignment in school, then in Bible College God started to give me more songs. I would go to the practice rooms and play for hours, many times in the dark so it was just me and God. Many of these first songs I never recorded- chalking it up to experience- God was honing the songwriting skill. Only one song that I had written from the first about 5 years of writing was recorded, “Teach me to care”, on my first CD “I choose your ways.”A few years later, I went to see Nicole Nordeman open for Avalon. During the whole concert God was speaking to my heart, saying, “That could be you up there someday.” The thought was overwhelming to me but it kept pounding in my soul. Not long later Sara Groves came to our church and the same thing happened. Sara gave me advice about writing and music and she is my greatest inspiration.It was now time to get my first recording done so we put together a very low budget CD, “I Choose Your Ways. To save time and money, we actually did a live recording and then fixed up the tracks from there. Even though it is not top quality I have had so many people respond to the message behind the music. That has been the driving force for me- the message. All along I knew that these songs were not just for me, but for others too.God continued to give me more music, some worship, some stories, some prayers, or things He was teaching me through situations in my life. I wish I had the time to share how each song was given to me, because it really makes the songs mean more, but I will just tell you about a few. When my daughter was a baby and my son was 2, God showed me how they depended on me so much for everything, and when I had to discipline my son, he still wanted me to hold him. God spoke to me and told me that many of His children don’t respond to Him that way and the song “Trust You” came as a prayer- “Lord help me trust you the way they trust me…”Another song, “Fire by night” (the title song for my new CD) came just months before God told us to sell most of our possessions, resign the church we were pastoring, and hit the road full-time. I had no idea that when I was writing about the Israelites pulling up their tent pegs to follow God wherever He led them, that we would be doing the same thing shortly. Watch out for what you write, God will take you through it if you haven’t been there already!In July 2006 we started traveling all over the USA and overseas as much as possible. My husband, Andy, has the gifts of evangelism, and teaching and carries a very accurate prophetic word. When we first started out, I sang more on a performance level, with some worship. Over the last year and a half this has been shifting. God has put into me the desire to worship more than anything and to lead His people into the secret place of His presence. The songs He has been giving me lately are very strategic worship songs for the body of Christ. This new style of worship is very spontaneous and prophetic, and is consistently increasing. It is awesome to sing prophetically because no song is ever sang the same way twice and you never know what new direction God is going to go.Well, I’ll wrap it up with saying God is so good and I am glad that He gave me the opportunity to be your friend. Please feel free anytime to write and tell me about yourself, Myspace is such a great networking tool for Christians to be able to unite from all over the world. Blessings and hope to hear from you soon,

My Interests


Member Since: 8/4/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Cathy Sanders Answer by Fire Live Worship Jamestown NY

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Influences: Jason Upton, Paul Baloche, Michael W. Smith, Sara Groves, Morningstar Worship, Mike Smith Band, Michael Bristol, and the Holy Spirit.
Myspace Profile Tracker World Visitor Map
Sounds Like: Some have said that Cathy's music sounds like either a modern day Keith Green style or Sara Groves. Her music has a style of its own. Main types of songs the Lord gives her are Contemporary and worship.
Record Label: Indie
Type of Label: None

My Blog

I got healed of chronic allergies!!!!

Recently we sent an email that Andy's back had been healed as a result of watching the Lakeland healing outpouring on the internet. What we had not mentioned at the time that I had been healed of...
Posted by Cathy Sanders on Mon, 12 May 2008 11:07:00 PST

MY NEW MUSIC VIDEO "FIRE BY NIGHT" Let me know what you think!

Hey there, I just got my first music video up on my profile. It is the first video under the Band Bio area. Please take a peek at it and let me know what you think! Bessings, Cathy Sanders...
Posted by Cathy Sanders on Thu, 08 May 2008 08:11:00 PST

My Spine Healed by Andy Sanders

My spine healed -   by Andy Sanders Psalm 50: 3,"Our God approaches with the noise of thunder, Fire devours everything in his way, and a great storm rages around him." What you are about to...
Posted by Cathy Sanders on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 04:28:00 PST

An Amazing Trip- Andy Sanders

2 Corinthians 4: 18,"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.  For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."When we took off in February of this year, we ha...
Posted by Cathy Sanders on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 07:53:00 PST

From Elijah to Elisha Prophecy right now- Andy Sanders

I was driving down a road today and I saw a mantle taken up into heaven and then I saw a new mantle drop out of the sky. I felt the Lord say to me, "Andy, today I am taking the mantle of Eli...
Posted by Cathy Sanders on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 08:16:00 PST

Finding West by Andy Sanders

Finding West   - By Andy SandersA few weeks back, I decided to go on a little journey.  I packed my stuff for a good little personal hiking trip.  A great time to be alone out in t...
Posted by Cathy Sanders on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 01:16:00 PST

Lost Contact!

Have you ever lost contact with someone, and then later down the road you look back and really regreat for letting it slip away? I think this has happened to all of us in one way or another. There are...
Posted by Cathy Sanders on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 07:14:00 PST

Seeing in the Spirit

We have been on the road for several weeks now and we have had some incredible services an times with the Lord. I wish I could write all about everything we have been witnessing. I will share a snipet...
Posted by Cathy Sanders on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 07:04:00 PST

Transformation in a child

Since my son has given his heart to the Lord I have seen him do some really cool things that is not ordinary for a 7 year old. It is amazing when someone commits to Jesus the gradual transformation th...
Posted by Cathy Sanders on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 05:23:00 PST

Ever Surpssing Love by Andy Sanders

The blood dripped down from the deep gash on the left side of her face.  Dirt was already set deep within the calloused areas of the young girl’s knees. She was a very attractive lady who a...
Posted by Cathy Sanders on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 05:32:00 PST