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About Me

Visit Click here. I go by the nickname Double Your Money. I'm here to introduce you to a very successful approach to investing which will yield you 15% or more on your savings and investments. I'm just your average guy who joined the military when I was 18. So, I've traveled the world and met many sexy faces.Visit Click here. I miss 'em all but now I'm a very happily married man who goes that extra mile to please my wife in every way. No, I'm not whipped...just equipped. Physically and mentally. I love my woman and I love my money. I don't separate the two. Over, the years I've learned a thing or two about money and I have realized that for some people money is power. You either have power over it OR it will have power over you. I'd like to help others by sharing what I know. All of us have probably had enough of all the "over the top" financial jargon designed to keep all of us confused and broke. I definitely, don't think the subject of investing has to be presented in such a complex way. So, for you I've decoded the complicated stuff and figured out all the simple things financial advisors and planners have failed to tell you. They'll never tell you because perhaps they don't even really know or understand just how simple it is to become successful at investing. Do you really want to know what it takes to kick your finances into gear? Once you have read "Double Your Money and Retire Wealthy" you'll have the exact knowledge you need to start investing. Learn the steps to take to get huge gains on your investments. You can become very wealthy through simply using a common sense approach to managing your money and investing it. I lay out all the key details that made me wealthy and believe me; it's simple and it will work for anyone. Check out some of my published work on investing at There you can read how I used mutual fund investments and real estate to build a multi million dollar empire. I've highlighted the formula that works and made it easy to understand.!To all of you holding down steady jobs, check out "Double Your Money and Retire Wealthy" at It's a quick and easy read and you will not be disappointed. Here's to you becoming richer! Best Wishes..."Double Your Money"Visit Click here.

My Interests

Writing, Real Estate, Investment Research, Financial Planning, Working out, Meeting people, & partying hard. I'm currently writing on my experience in investing and negotiating a book deal. It's all about how a brother came up from no where to $Millionaire. If I did it, I know anyone can! I'll show you how.

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Free Layouts and More at Whateverlife.comIf you are currently saving or investing and you're not getting at least 15% a year return on your money, then you really need to check out my hottest selling Interactive E-book, "Double Your Money and Retire Wealthy". Download it now for only $9.95.Inside, I've listed all the funds returning 15% a year. Also, inside are step by step instructions to walk you through how I found these funds. Once you read this book, you'll know exactly how to get better returns on your investments.Designer Handbags City - Discount Prices. Visit site now. Click handbag.


"Primal Fear" starring Ed Norton and Richard Gere. Damn those lawyers got played!


Used to love "The Practice". But where the hell did it go?..


"Double Your Money and Retire Wealthy" Double Your Money and Retire Wealthy by Travis Williams (Book) in Business & Economics "Double Your Money and Retire Wealthy by Travis Williams (Book) in Business & Economics : This short and straight to the point book is a quick and easy read that will have you on your way to finding funds making money and earning you thousands of dollars. Are you saving money to pay for your child’s college education or saving to retire early? If so, learn to increase your return on investments. Learn a system that will slowly but surely turn you into a millionaire. Learn an easy approach to investing. So easy that once you set it up, you will only spend 10 minutes a month reviewing it. You’ll learn to find funds that let you invest as little as $25 a month and earn 15 percent. You are on your way to some exciting information. ..

Double Your Money and Retire Wealthy

by Travis Williams

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This short and straight to the point book is a quick and easy read that will have you on your way to finding funds making money and earning you thousands of dollars. Are you saving money to pay for your child’s college education or saving to retire early? If so, learn to increase your return on investments. Learn a system that will slowly but surely turn you into a millionaire. Learn an easy approach to investing. So easy that once you set it up, you will only spend 10 minutes a month reviewing it. You’ll learn to find funds that let you invest as little as $25 a month and earn 15 percent. You are on your way to some rich and exciting information.

Product Details:

Publisher: Travis Williams Copyright: © 2007 by Travis Williams Standard Copyright License Language: English Country: United States Lulu Sales Rank: 44,810


    short story rich boy retire early millionaire saving money cnn money funds making money return on investment

Listed in:

Business & Economics


Straight to the point information. Just what I needed to get started investing right away. The book is HOT!!

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My mother. Rest her soul.