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Our mission is to create a night that captures the underground scene that you relate to on a daily basis through your choices in music. A night to compliment your week, somewhere to get heavy
BAGMAN's drops at The Croft, Stokes Croft, Bristol, (Check our top Friends) an intimate venue that provides the perfect 'stage' for HH, Breaks, DnB and Dubstep. br/
BAGMAN will update this Myspace page with all upcoming nights.
Peace & Prosperity^
BAGMAN; a person designated to collect money in a protection racket. Originally the term only applied to Mafia members collecting for mob bosses, but the term later spread to use in corrupt police precincts where a foot patrolman was the designated "bagman" to pick up and deliver bribes from the local mob(s) to the precinct captain. In many cases, the bagman receives a percentage of the money collected. In many cases, the bagman acts as "insulation" to protect higher-ups from exposure or direct prosecution.
BAGMAN is proud to annouce its affiliation with THTC, we shall be giving away T-Shirts and Freebies at our nights and we shall be promoting and raising awareness for the use of hemp in our modern world
Articles from Venue
Ghost, Verb T & Kashmere @ BAGMAN Jan 2007
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Photos from Matt Evz
Photos from Matt Evz
Some wicked Photos from Matt Evz at KD
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