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Paranormal Investigating; Photography; Old Romance tales ( I am a hopeless romantic); Everquest ( haven't played since nursing school) ; Fantasy ; Ireland, celtic culture : collecting antique lamps; karoke; dancing & cheerleading (hard to let go of 3 years of high school cheerleading)Depends on the day and what kind of mood I am in...I really enjoy meeting others in my profession of the medical field. I also like to meet other paranormal investigators and compare findings. I never get tired of researcher's personal experiences & evidence found during investigations.
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Which Type of Ghost are You?
An Apparition
You are an apparition! You are the crowd pleaser, the one who likes to make everyone happy and comfortable. You make sure your presence is known in any situation.
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My fav has to be anything from the 80's; I also like alternative rock and hard rock; LOVE Celtic music: Not a big fan of country music though:(
My favorite movie of all time is Lord of the Rings (all of them); My newest fave is 300 ; I adore Romance movies especially set in medieval times; Underworld both 1 & 2; Equilibrium ; The Notebook; Tristan & Isolde; King Arthur; The Cave; Resident Evil; Pirates of the Carribean; Dirty Dancing Havana Nights; Reign of Fire & I can't get enough of those 80's movies!!!!!
Ghost Hunters; Heroes; Dr. Who; Celebtrity paranormal; Haunted; Surface; Who has time for TV? :)
I really enjoy the paranormal romance books, especially the vampire huntress and hot vampire here are a few I have been reading on :Anita Blake Vampire Huntress series by Laurell Hamilton; Night Pleasures by Sherrilyn Keynon; Susanna Sizemore I burn for you
The Great God above (without him this life wouldn't be possible); My mother for putting up with me; Anyone with a disabiling disease, I take care of these people everyday and am amazed by their willpower & faith.