POISON FROM HIS SOUL profile picture



About Me

Layout by CoolChaserI was born in Illinois...Waukegan to be precise, on a wintery January afternoon. I lived in Wauconda 'til my mother moved us to Antioch when I was 7. I met some of the greatest people I know during my childhood (Kimmie, Michelle, Dana, Sherry, Carol...and of course the others who are not on Myspace....yet). I also lost them all when I chose to move after high school...You sometimes just lose touch...I moved to Colorado and have never left. This is where I call home!! I met my husband here and I have had my child here. I do believe that I'll be buried here. My hubby and my babies are my life. I have gone through a lot with both, but wouldn't change where I am right now. I have great pets that I would sometimes trade, but don't tell them that!! I live in a hundred+ year old house with it's own personalities...and there are many. But enough about me..tell me about you....

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My Interests

There are to many to name...I love LIFE....I love learning about anything and everything. Hottest feature on a guy--his MOUTH!! I enjoy good conversation!! I'm a people person...and I'm interested in YOU....BEAR!!!
Birthstone Images from MSGRAFIXFX.com
Buried at PhotoCasket.com

I'd like to meet:

I would enjoy meeting anyone truly interested in the paranormal... I would love to reconnect with my old friends from my childhood--since I left my hometown as fast as my legs would carry me...I actually have reconnected with a few and and as for anyone else from then--I just don't know. The ones I do care about, I am in contact with...Love ya. My friends are the BEST!!!!! Loyal, honest, and will forever be there. I have found recently how disqusting and indescent some people can be. There are only a couple people in the world like this. I feel so sorry for them at times. Sad thing....they do not even realize that they are this way. In part it is also funny...I can find humor in everything. Even in these immoral, unethical, dishonest people, there is plenty to laugh about. Someday they may change, but until then- let them show us we have emotions.......
Created by Crazyprofile.com


I enjoy just about all music (with the exception of rap)-- and of course the stuff I can't understand....(please bitch---spit the shit out before you grab a mic).


I love the slashers. Give me gore. Give me blood. Who doesn't love a good thriller. I love the action movies....Nick Cage (wink,wink). Military movies....in a nutshell.



http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&am p;videoid=2072250251I love to read....anything, but the sappy chit!!!!


Anyone willing to fight for what they believe in.....I salute you!!!FAKES and boasty people can KISS MY A$$!!!
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My Blog

The Doll and the Rose

I was walking around in a Wally-World store, when I saw a Cashier -perhaps even Missy,hand this little boy some money back. The boy couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 years old. Missy said,...
Posted by POISON FROM HIS SOUL on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 06:30:00 PST

Kiefer is doing AWESOME!!!!

Kiefer is going GREAT!!!!!!  He has made the A LIST at Ridgeview Academy.  He is flying through the program.  All the faculty is impressed at his record speed.  He is just about at...
Posted by POISON FROM HIS SOUL on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 09:13:00 PST


Yes, it really is a true story... From A  LESSON THAT SHOULD BE TAUGHT IN ALL SCHOOLS   Back in  September of 2005, on the first day of school, Martha Cothren, a social...
Posted by POISON FROM HIS SOUL on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 03:48:00 PST

inspirational story...from Michelle....ty

I'm posting this here....because it touched me.  Maybe due to all the deaths my family has experienced these past months...three of which are VERY heartbreaking--my Mother, his Mother and Grandma...
Posted by POISON FROM HIS SOUL on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 03:30:00 PST


I say break into your house ..A lady wrote the best letter in the Editorials in ages!!! It explains things better than all the baloney you hear on TV. Her point: Recently large demonstrations have tak...
Posted by POISON FROM HIS SOUL on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 05:59:00 PST


..> Your Birth Month is January You are a natural leader who is able to stand up when no one else can.Strong and powerful, you tend to overshadow those around you.Your soul reflects: deep love, ...
Posted by POISON FROM HIS SOUL on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 11:12:00 PST

What kind of drinker am I?

..> You Are a Red Wine Woman You're not a big drinker, and when you do drink, you go for the best.You probably know a good deal about wines, and you know how to order a great bottle.When you dri...
Posted by POISON FROM HIS SOUL on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 11:09:00 PST

My Element....

..> Your Element Is Air You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.Easygoing, you tend ...
Posted by POISON FROM HIS SOUL on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 10:06:00 PST

In 1969....

Richard Nixon becomes president of the USMary Jo Kopechne is killed when Senator Edward Kennedy veers off a narrow bridge on Chappaquiddick Island, crashing into a pondUS astronaut Neil Armstrong bec...
Posted by POISON FROM HIS SOUL on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 10:58:00 PST

Recieved this from a friend--thanx Jean--I thought it was cool...and wanted to share it.

..>  A drunken man in an Oldsmobile they said had run the light. That caused the six-car pileup on 109 that night. When broken bodies lay about and blood was everywher...
Posted by POISON FROM HIS SOUL on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 01:52:00 PST