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Rudi Pourri


About Me

Just like everyone on MySpace i'm the center of the universe. Dig me.

My Interests


Neil Young, Sonic Youth, The Cure, Violent Femmes, Nirvana, PJ Harvey, Sleater-Kinney, Joy Division, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Interpol, The Editors, Pixies, Placebo, Le Tigre, Bikini Kill, The Raveonettes, The Von Bondies, My Bloody Valentine, The Sex Pistols, Nick Drake, The Kinks, Mississippi John Hurt, Woody Guthrie ...


Apocalypse Now, Himmel über Berlin, The Fugitive Kind, 2001 a space Odyssey, Un air de famille , Brasil, Eraserhead, Forest Gump, The Wizard of Oz, Forbidden Planet, Mystery Science Theater 3000 ...


François Mauriac, Robert Musil, Franz Kafka, Charles Bukowski, Nicolas Bouvier, Pierre Bourdieu, Laurent Nottale (La relativité dans tous ses états) ...