VHS or Beta | much easier to just list what I'm not overly fond of : scribbly jazz, Toby Keith, techno, U2/REM, Neil Young.
Paris When It Sizzles, Two for the Road, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Labyrinth, Filthy World, I've been mildly obsessed with Wes Anderson since the late nineties with emotions that range from lust to disgust, Dude Where's My Car, Love Story, Arthur, Kill Bill, only some Coen Bros movies, Kentucky Fried Movie, Little Miss Sunshine, My Fair Lady. Things like that.
French or Foe ? by Polly Platt. (so far it's terrible)/Better than beauty : a guide to charm by Helen Valentine and Alice Thompson (so far it's just what I was looking for)/Various how-to guides for living and working in France/cultural misunderstandings.
My husband.