Je fais des videos comme celles que vous avez pu voir ci dessus, mais je realise aussi des clips comme ceux que vous pouvez voir ci dessous.
I Love you
My last music Video, for the Meatles. The song is called substitute. This video exists thanks to friends of the band, and friends of mine in the north of France, and also thanks to my usual work mates Benjamin Helius and Arthur Peron.
I made this video in Stop Motion. As I am the singer of the song you will hear, I play in this musicvideo. Benjamin Helius took the pictures, and the young lady I ennoy is Flora Rogeboz (who also plays in "Pas d' échappatoire" -92 Prodige-). I hope you' ll enjoy it !
Mik Impetto et Lira Gandj cote musique, Benjamin Helius et Arnaud Martin cote image.
Voici "Pas d' ..chappatoire", du groupe 92 Prodige. J' ai pu realiser ce clip grâce
a toute une equipe formidable. Merci a tous.
Arthur Peron et moi avons collabor.. quant .. la r..alisation de ce clip. Voici
"puissance braiyn", de Lira Gandj:
LIRA GANDJ.. par Lira_Gandj
Myspace Layouts by