RadioHead Arras 06.07.08
Blur, Arcade Fire, Pulp, Arctic Monkeys, Graham Coxon, The Evens, At The Drive In, The Libertines, Bell Orchestre, WolfParade, Gorillaz, Radiohead, Supergrass, YYY's, Hangedup,The Unicorns, Final Fantasy, The Smiths, Art Brut, Clap Your Hands and say yeah, dEUS, djShadow, Electrelane, Q and not U, Stone Roses, The Go! Team, Architecture in Helskinki, Edie Sedgwick, El Guapo, Sarazvati, DaddyLongLegz, Sims, Unckle, Mystery Jets, Four Day Hombre, The Coral, The Zutons, Nada Surf, Pavement, Modest Mouse, Why?, Gang of Four, Clinic, The Boo Radleys, The Stone Roses, iLiKETRAiNS, Klaxons
Trainspotting, Requiem for a dream, Acid House, Snatch, Fight Club, Las Vegas Parano, Lock Stock and two smocking barrels, DarkCristal, Eternal Sunshine (of the spotless mind), La cite de la peur, C'est arrive pres de chez vous
A long Way Down (Vous descendez in french by Nick Hornby) Les Fourmis (Bernard Werber),Charlie and the chocolate factory, La nuit des temps (Barjavel), Amelie Nothomb, Primo Levy...