baseball,(the Cubs) Music, movies, acting, guitars, Batman, money, rock, politics, movies, pornography, dogs, reading, the arts
I'd like to meet" anyone who wants to meet me.I am always looking to meet peers; fellow musicians, actors, photographers, models, playwrights, screenwriters, producers, casting directors, managers, casting agents, others interested in the arts. Always looking to meet anyone who can who aspires to greatness and inspires the same in others.
Well the pictures may tip you off to a few of my many likes. Please note, I do not accept band requests for adds unless I know you or your band personally. If I like your music I will request you....I am a big fan of bombastic bands like Kansas, Styx, Journey, Queensryche,Night Ranger Boston and the like. I also like R.E.M., U2, Bon-Jovi, Aerosmith, Guns and Roses, Motley Crue, Tori Amos, Foreigner, Billy Squier, Motley Crue, Guns and Roses, Marillion, Dire Straits, Van Halen, Sammy Hagar, Damn Yankees.. yada yada...
It would be to hard to pick a favorite movie. I love Mel Brooks and Steve Martin movies. I'll see anything with Val Kilmer, Robin Williams, Al Pacino or Robert Dinero. Morgan Freeman, Angelina Jolie and Michele Pfifer.I never miss a super hero movie, they're the ultimate escapism.
While I like Late Shw w/ David Letterman, Politiocly Incorrect w/ Bill Maher, Daily show/ w/ John Stewart, Enterouge, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Futurama, Justice League Unlimited, and Baseball Tonight. I find myself watching far more than I should these days. I hate to admit it but Smallville growws on ya.
Right now I have on my dsk " Screen writing For Dummies "Inferno", "Dead White", Al Franken's " Rush Limbaugh is a big Fat Idiot Inherited" by Devin Grayson and Richard III, Grand Illusion - C. Pannozzo I need to read more and more often
My Folks, I miss my Mom. I never would have imagined a day without her. I'll get by on what she's given me.Batman & Robin...