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The Cubs Win !

About Me

" Winners are losers who got up and gave it one more try " Dennis DeYoung (Styx)My story, it's a riveting hillarious tale bound to make you laugh and cry and shit...maybe not shit. Lately it's been rated PG for language and brief nudity.. my own nudity I fear.What can I say about myself ? I am maudlin, introspective sardonic, sarcastic, ironic, iconic, contemplative, illuminated and always ready for a good laugh. Like anyone else my life has had it's good times and it's bad. I guess like everyone else I am in search of that illustrious illusion of fame, fortune and what ever the hell else piques my overly active mind.I graduated Rowan University with a Bachelor's Degree in Music Education and a minor in Theatre. I returned to school to acheive a Mster's Degree in Arts and Cultural Administration form Drexel University. (not bad for a pasty face white boy)What is life with out hopes, dreams aspirations and lofty unattainable goals?My story begins in a hollow oak tree where I was raised by an elf named Ernie and taught the family business of cookie baking. Those were good times.My introduction to music, a.k.a the downfall of my existence came when I stole my sisters Grand Illuision LP’. Friend later introduced me to Rush, Queen and Van Halen and the rest, suddenly my life had seemed set. I wanted to play guitar and sing and date lots of attractive horny women. Ok, so two out of three ain't bad. In reflection I should have gone to law school.Want more? Just write me.

My Interests

baseball,(the Cubs) Music, movies, acting, guitars, Batman, money, rock, politics, movies, pornography, dogs, reading, the arts

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet" anyone who wants to meet me.I am always looking to meet peers; fellow musicians, actors, photographers, models, playwrights, screenwriters, producers, casting directors, managers, casting agents, others interested in the arts. Always looking to meet anyone who can who aspires to greatness and inspires the same in others.


Well the pictures may tip you off to a few of my many likes. Please note, I do not accept band requests for adds unless I know you or your band personally. If I like your music I will request you....I am a big fan of bombastic bands like Kansas, Styx, Journey, Queensryche,Night Ranger Boston and the like. I also like R.E.M., U2, Bon-Jovi, Aerosmith, Guns and Roses, Motley Crue, Tori Amos, Foreigner, Billy Squier, Motley Crue, Guns and Roses, Marillion, Dire Straits, Van Halen, Sammy Hagar, Damn Yankees.. yada yada...


It would be to hard to pick a favorite movie. I love Mel Brooks and Steve Martin movies. I'll see anything with Val Kilmer, Robin Williams, Al Pacino or Robert Dinero. Morgan Freeman, Angelina Jolie and Michele Pfifer.I never miss a super hero movie, they're the ultimate escapism.


While I like Late Shw w/ David Letterman, Politiocly Incorrect w/ Bill Maher, Daily show/ w/ John Stewart, Enterouge, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Futurama, Justice League Unlimited, and Baseball Tonight. I find myself watching far more than I should these days. I hate to admit it but Smallville growws on ya.


Right now I have on my dsk " Screen writing For Dummies "Inferno", "Dead White", Al Franken's " Rush Limbaugh is a big Fat Idiot Inherited" by Devin Grayson and Richard III, Grand Illusion - C. Pannozzo I need to read more and more often


My Folks, I miss my Mom. I never would have imagined a day without her. I'll get by on what she's given me.Batman & Robin...

My Blog

2007 Actors resume

 Robert Romani S.A.G. Member Contact Information: Dream Weavers Management, Inc. 532 LaGuardia Place Suite 310 New York, NY 10012 -- Tel: (212) 777-5200   Vital Staistics: Eyes: Brown...
Posted by Robert on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 09:06:00 PST

VSA arts Conference: The day after

Well it was indeed a long day yesterday. I woke up at 5:00 am to head out to Washington D.C. for the VSA conference on Careers in the Arts for people with Disabilities. It was indeed a long afternoon ...
Posted by Robert on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:43:00 PST

The Shaw / Blades weekend (NO Gowans allowed)

It will all kick off this Saturday with Shaw / Blades ins A.C. and then again on Sunday night at the T.L.A in Philadelphia. It should be good. Best part of all is no Gowan !!!!   Check back next ...
Posted by Robert on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 09:27:00 PST

Waiting: The journey of the actor

Well I had told a few people about this, in fact a few more than I normally might have had this been just "another" audition. Two weeks ago I got a call from my pal Gloria with M.A.O. in Los Angeles...
Posted by Robert on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 12:06:00 PST

Top 10 Quotes From Bachelor Pary : The movie

Celbrating the best quotes of Bachelor Party the Movie   10. Rudy: "A girls with big tits." 9.  Gary: "I just bet my balls...and shook on it." 8.  Rick: "Geez, a donkey th...
Posted by Robert on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 08:02:00 PST

Dennis DeYoung at the Kimmel Center Tonight

I got back from seeing former Stygian Dennis Deyoung perform the music of Styx with an orchestra. This is the second time this year I have had the opportunity to see Dennis sans Styx. First I have to ...
Posted by Robert on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 10:08:00 PST