eating sushi
I'd like to meet the man who chooses the music videos for the video trailer at work and give him a swift kick to the taint.
Music Currently Listening to:
Duffy - Rockferry
Justice - +
Death Cab For Cutie - Narrow Stairs
Jose Gonzalez - In Our Nature
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!
Phil Wickham - Phil Wickham
She & Him - Volume One
Sara Bareilles - Little Voice
Roybn - Robyn
Radiohead - In Rainbows
Owning Mahoney
Almost Famous
Requim For a Dream
High Fidelity
Breakfast Club
When Harry Met Sally
Old School
Love Me if you Dare
The Office Aqua Teen Hunger Force Heroes Man Vs. Wild Deadliest Catch Hell's Kitchen Top Chef
Blue Like Jazz The Three Kings In Conversation w/ Bono Body Piercings saved my life Plan B