JOSh profile picture


SPAM...the other other white meat!

About Me

The Story you are about to read in now completely false. I no longer live in Perris, CA. I'm now basking in the delight of Franklin, TN. It is amazing out here and I'm so glad to not live in such a terrible place anymore, but the story to follow is still always so fun so I'm leaving it and you can pretend I still live there. Thanks for the Cooperation.I live in Perris California and let me tell you it never fails to bring me amusement when I tell this to people. Girls especially have the tendency to have the best reaction to this and heres how the conversation goes.
Random Girl: "so you out here for the night?"
Me: "No I'll probably just go home"
Random Girl: "Where do you live?"
Me: "Perris"
Random Girl: "Oh yeah right so you're just going to jump on a plane and fly home tonight whenever you feel like it."
Although I must say after that amusement wears off this city pretty much blows. But it keeps me close to work and close to my band. Work and music is pretty much my life right now, but eventually I'm thinking I'll head back to school and get one of those degree things everyone's been talking about.

My Interests

eating sushi

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet the man who chooses the music videos for the video trailer at work and give him a swift kick to the taint.


Music Currently Listening to:
Duffy - Rockferry
Justice - +
Death Cab For Cutie - Narrow Stairs Jose Gonzalez - In Our Nature
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!
Phil Wickham - Phil Wickham
She & Him - Volume One
Sara Bareilles - Little Voice
Roybn - Robyn
Radiohead - In Rainbows


Owning Mahoney
Almost Famous
Requim For a Dream
High Fidelity
Breakfast Club
When Harry Met Sally
Old School
Love Me if you Dare


The Office Aqua Teen Hunger Force Heroes Man Vs. Wild Deadliest Catch Hell's Kitchen Top Chef


Blue Like Jazz The Three Kings In Conversation w/ Bono Body Piercings saved my life Plan B

My Blog

New Pictures...Finally!!!

Ok so I recently took a trip to Shanghai to see my dad and then we took a 2 day trip to Beijing to see the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. It was absolutely incredible and now I also have pictures....
Posted by JOSh on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 03:47:00 PST

Tookie....You can begin hating me now!!!

Ok so I'm a little late chiming in on this, but I've been visiting some of my friends blog sites and reading their reaction to williams' execution. All seem to be in agreement; He paid his debt and al...
Posted by JOSh on Sat, 24 Dec 2005 03:58:00 PST


I need new pictures...this sucks. see i really hate taking pictures, or having my picture taken so unless I'm forced to do so for the band i dont. therefore i have no pictures of myself hence all the ...
Posted by JOSh on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Damn...i finally caved.
Posted by JOSh on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST