Napolean Dynamite, Garden State, Empire Records, Kill Bill vol.'s 1 and 2, Royal Tenembaums, THe Wizard, Robin Hood (the old cartoon version), Hackers, Lock STock, The Neverending Story, Boondock Saints, Little Miss Sunshine, Old School, Taladega Nights, a lot of crappie movies most people hate, or do really badly in the box office, but are fun to watch, lots of Indie flicks.
Family Guy, That 70's Show, Dirty Jobs, THe WOrld's Greatest Catch, The Office, My Name is Earl, Grey's Anatomy, Football.
Harry Potter, all of them, The Bible, The Chronicles of Narnia, High Fidelity, Lord of the Rings, The Namesake (only bookclub members would get that one...), SUPERSTUD, Cash by Johnny Cash, and I'm working on somemore...