Pitchfork Abortion was formed by Scott Taylor and Jeff Caro a long ass time ago in Portland, Oregon / Vancouver, Washington.... adding Justin Cox on vocals at the beginning of 2006; and after a long time searching.... As some have come and gone, we still are looking for a bassist!!!! Currently we all are further perfecting the old shit while writing some new shit. Our music is more Abstract by its very difficult to describe. We like to use any influence, and do. Theres a lot of metal in our music.... Death, Trash and Speed; but we also ad Jazz, Blues and Funk into shit. Our A.D.D. is way to strong to stick to one style, so we just play what we like, and if ya like it too.... cool. If not... well... eat it. But in the mean time, ENJOY BEING AUDIBLY SLAUGHTERED while we work on writing and recording the new stuff.... see ya at the next show.....Also, we just added this map thing-a-ma-bob.... so make a mark, sign that shit! Show us where you're at!!
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