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The Sanctuary Academy

In Time. As the turmoil of your soul settles, you will see the heavens in your own being.

About Me

Try Hypnosis to Change Your Life for the BetterYou're driving down the road, lost in a daydream, and suddenly you notice that you've driven past your exit. Welcome to the everyday experience of hypnosis!Hypnosis is often portrayed as being in a sleep state, but actually it is not. More accurately, hypnosis is a state of heightened awareness - an experience of focused attention, and is a normal tool in our consciousness toolbox. Hypnosis has also been defined as guided daydreaming; a natural, altered state of consciousness; a twilight state; as a process of influential communication; and as a relaxed, hyper-suggestible state. Relaxation is a pleasant byproduct of hypnosis; however, being relaxed isn't necessary for hypnosis to occur. Moreover, most people experience numerous other benefits from hypnosis, including stress reduction, increased focus and greater confidence.By any definition and judging from numerous positive results, hypnosis is a powerful tool for change and or personal and professional growth. What can hypnosis do? A better question might be: What can't hypnosis do? Hypnosis can help you to eliminate fears and phobias, such as public speaking or a fear of heights, overcome barriers to professional and financial success, improve your relationships, lose weight, stop nail biting, reduce pain, conquer writer's block, and more.Everyone can be hypnotized. Working in partnership with a trained hypnotist, individuals can utilize hypnosis for its power to move to greater degrees of personal and professional success.Many spend time, money and resources not concentrating on the right things and missing the right path to success. Not taking action results in ultimately destroying our hopes and dreams.Will 2008 be the year that you improve your health by meeting your weight and nutrition goals, stop smoking, accomplish you creative goals, meet your financial objectives and more? Or is it just another year? Is 2008 a year to invest in or just another year to waste your full potential?Take action now for a healthy and prosperous life.Ahmad Muhammad,Ph.D,C.Ht is a Certified Hypnotist whose office is in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Ahmad is an Honors Graduate of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute. He can be reached at 717-829-7222. Mention this article and receive a FREE consultation.Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi, or Zen. Not any religion or cultural system. I am not from the East or the West, not out of the ocean or up from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not composed of elements at all. I do not exist... –Mawlana Jalaluddin RumiRaising Salaat or as it should be pronounced in Arabee, As Salaat has come to be known as prayer over the past fourteen centuries since the time of Muhammad the Prophet, although it’s literal meaning is flame. In the Holy writ of Islaam called Al-Qur’aan, Allaah instructs “Alif Laam Meem (these are mystical letters that I will explain at a later time), that kitab (book) has no doubt in it. It is guidance for the ones that are Allaah-conscious. Those who believe in the unseen (exoteric or metaphysical) and raise up Al Salaat and from what we have provided them they spend”. –Holy Qur’aan Surah 2 ayah 1-3. The movements of the body used today in Islaamic prayer (Salaat) are called Rakats (Postures). These postures were given to human kind by Ibraheem the Prophet. The main purpose of these postures is truly unified, and that is to relax the spinal column and open the sacred pathway (called in the ancient Khamitic language, the Djed). The Djed is the sacred pathway that runs from the base of the spinal Colum between the anus and the genitals (the perineum) to the top of the head (the crown or 7th Chakra in Sanskrit or crown Latif in Arabee) so that the Salaat energy can travel up the Djed. The movements also serve an external practice to bring increased blood flow to the brain which helps to raise the consciousness to higher levels as well as nourishment the brain. These five daily conections to the Salaat force are the main meals for our souls. While a soul may attain some growth and development by leading a righteous life, however without observing this conection, this would be like surviving on snacks without regular meals. We learn from Suurah 2:37 that we can establish contact with Allaah by uttering the specific Arabee words given to us by Allaah. Suurah 1, Al Fateehah is the key, it a mathematically composed combination of all the sounds of Arabee that unlocks the door between us and our creator: 1. Fajr must be observed during two hours before sunrise (11:114, 24:58). 2. Zuhr is due when the sun declines from its highest point at noon (17:78). 3. Asr can be observed during the 3-4 hours preceding sunset (2:238). 4. Magrib becomes due after sunset (11:114). 5. Isha can be observed after the twilight disappears from the sky (24:58).* "The Friday (Al Jummah) noon congregational gathering for the raising of Salaat is an obligatory duty upon every Muslim man and woman "(62:9). Failure to observe the Friday gathering is a gross offense.Each Salaat period is valid if observed anytime during the period it becomes due until the next period becomes due. Once missed, a given conection period is a missed it is an opportunity that cannot be made up; one can only repent and ask forgiveness. The five conection periods consist of 2, 4, 4,3, and 4 units (Rak'ahs), respectively.

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We trace our lineage in the manner of Uwaysi, to Dhul-Nun al-Misri who died in 859 AD. He was a famous Egyptian Sufi whose full name was Dhul-Nun Abu Faid Thawban ibn Ibrahim al-Misri. He was born at Ekhmim,upper Egypt in 796 AD; Al-Misri is considered among the most prominent figures of early Sufism and holds a position in the Sufi chronicles as high as Junayd (d.910) and Bayazid (d.874). The son of a NUBIAN, he studied under various teachers and travelled extensively in what is called Arabia and Syria today. In 829 he was arrested on a charge of heresy and sent to prison in Baghdad, but after examination he was released on the Caliph's orders to return to Cairo, where he died in 859; his tombstone has been preserved. A legendary alchemist and thaumaturage, he knew the secret of the Egyptian hieroglyphs. His sayings and poems, which are extremely dense and rich in mystical imagery, emphasize knowledge or gnosis (marifah) more than fear (makhafah) or love (mahabbah), the other two major paths of spiritual realization in Sufism. A vast collection of poems, sayings, and aphorisms attributed to him continue to live on in oral tradition.One of the sciences particular to Islaam is that of “narrator criticism” (ilm al-rijal). This science became a veritable gauntlet in the preservation of Prophetic narrations because each transmitter is required to bequeath to his successor information based on his faith in the competence and integrity of the junior transmitter. This system is called the chain of transmission (isnad). The isnad is part and parcel of the faith of Islaam and the practice of Sufism in the Mystery Schools of ancient Khamit. In addition, the certification of knowledge (ijaza) is always granted to the student by the teacher, who was himself granted ijaza by his teacher. The ijaza is the central form of accreditation in Islaamic knowledge. In recent years, the ijaza has unfortunately been neglected in favor of more Western forms of recognition, such as the university degree. Those who grant such degrees to Muslims are, in many cases, non-Muslims. Chains of transmission exist for every single science in Islaam, the chain of transmission of the science of purification of the self (tasawwuf) and (nahw) grammar almost all pass through Ali ibn Abi Talib. The chain of adhan passes through Bilal, and all chains go back to Muhammad Al Naabi and beyond.The word Allaah is the proper noun for the Unique Being, this noun, Allaah cannot be translated into any other language nor can it be replaced with any other word. One may ask why? The answer; Allaah, The Creator (Al-Kalaaq) gave the Universe shape and form through the vibration of divine speech or language. That language is Arabic. Every letter of the Arabic language is a quantified manifestation of the absolute oneness of Allaah. Each letter vibrates with a powerful concentration of Allaah’s omnipotent, omnipresent energy. The letters of the first words that vibrated from Al-Kalaaq were the building blocks of creation. These words are what give the creation its contours and volume as well as being the genesis of the Holy injunctions of Allaahu Subhaanahu wa ta’ala.The Un-adulterated Scriptures are the blueprint of Universal Creation from which one precious letter cannot be excised without causing great harm to humanity as well as all of creation. That is because all creation was built upon the foundation of divine speech, the act of taking away a letter or a word or adding letters and words would compromise this foundation and lead to the destruction of creation. So you see by removing the proper noun Allaah and replacing it with a foreign word such as God we short circuit the power contained in Al-Qur’aan. The Arabic letters of Qur'aan are actual portals into the fifth dimension, the dimension of pure energy.


The recital of Al Qur'aan, The Torah and The Injiyeel


We must all cultivate the 7 major Chakras and there effect on our lives !!!


Some Suggested Reading Material:img src=" _v000_a000_f00/images/xslide2.gif" border="0"

Heroes: EarthFriends if you are in need of Spiritual guidance about your bodies health please contact this wonderful Uhkt "Resonant Earth" @ 1-800-ASK-KEEN, extension 01865143 She is one of my best Students and a wonderful healer. She is a Certified Naturalpath, Spiritual Intuitive, Medical Intuitive,Ordained Universal Minister, and an experienced Life Coach for over 10 years......Support Her, Support Yourself !!!.......Salaamz

My Blog

About Energy And How Sufi Spiritual Healing Works

About Energy And How Sufi Spiritual Healing Works   Sufi Spiritual Healing is not at all a mysterious process but is in fact very straight forward, albeit oftentimes quite complex. The Sufi Spir...
Posted by The Sanctuary Academy on Tue, 20 May 2008 10:25:00 PST

Laws of Mind

For the sake of simplicity, I'll use the term "subconscious" mind to refer to that function of the mind, which takes care of all the processes that are occurring out of conscious awareness.  Ot...
Posted by The Sanctuary Academy on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 02:35:00 PST


HOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND THROUGH YOUR BODY One of the ways in which we can communicate with our subconscious minds is through our bodies. Perhaps you can recall a time when you...
Posted by The Sanctuary Academy on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 04:04:00 PST

Meditation with a Candle

Meditation with a CandleImagine in your minds eye a single candle which is lit.Focus your mind on the flame of the candle, notice the flickering and dancing of the flame as the yellows and reds swirl ...
Posted by The Sanctuary Academy on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 09:17:00 PST

Out of Body Experiences Self Hypnosis Script

Out of Body Experiences You are lying down for this session. Your body is relaxed and responsive to suggestions. Soft mystical music plays in the background and with a gentle voice direct yours...
Posted by The Sanctuary Academy on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 05:29:00 PST

Arabic Sufi Symbols Continued

Zaa = z 'Zaa' is the seventeenth letter of the Arab alphabet. It represents number nine hundred and belongs to the element of water, though in North Africa it is considered to belong to the element of...
Posted by The Sanctuary Academy on Sun, 06 May 2007 11:31:00 PST

The Science of Performing Dua:

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Posted by The Sanctuary Academy on Tue, 01 May 2007 10:45:00 PST

Arabic Sufi Symbolism

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Posted by The Sanctuary Academy on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 06:30:00 PST

Lesson on: The Mathematical Theology of Mahdi

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Posted by The Sanctuary Academy on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 03:59:00 PST

Lesson on: Saviour's Day

HAPPY SAVIOURS' DAY   Dear Muslim followers of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad under the Leadership of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, As-Salaamu-Alaikum      I pray th...
Posted by The Sanctuary Academy on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 06:45:00 PST