I like playin basket ball, hangin out wit my gurl and jus chillin wit my home boi's & makin d@t p@p3r $tack
One day I'd like to meet Kat Williams, he's a character fo yo ass... my nigg@ lil w@yn3,& young joc, m3agan good, m3liss@ ford, lis@ r@y and buffy th@ bod! & mor3tae tae's playlist
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Rap(dat lil wayne) and r&b & dat old sckool soul musick lik3 da t3mptat!ons & @l Gr33n wh3n u wit y@gurl wif3y or jus @ chick da s3t da sc3n3 y@ dig
dem trill azz hood movi3s and funny movies and can't forget d3m scary movi3s so wh3n u go 2 tha movi3s wit a sexy chick sh3 g3t scar3d and jus jump all on u n@ t@lkin bout
B3t,sportsc3nt3r,3spn,m@rt!n,b3rn!3 m@c & @nd oth@ iish lik3 dat y@ d!g
don't lik3 2 r3ad 2 much but dat don't m3an i can't jus ain't m3
don't got non3 i look up 2 mys3lf