MyHotComments Why do pp on myspace add you as a friend or you add them and never say anything to you again well to all of u that do that please dont bother sending me a friend request!!!Well i thought i found the one for me but that was a bunch of bullshit to be honest...theres only one good thing that comes out of having a relationship you learn from it and dont make the same mistakes the second time around if there is a second time. my mistake was that he stillwasnt ready to grow up and out of his fast life. now i dont even see boy in the same way but who cares fuk emm i dont need them... theres so much more that i want to say but its non of your fucking buss unless i make it your buss..if theres a problem with that you and the rest of myspace can go fuck yourself. animated layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments