Pammy! :) profile picture

Pammy! :) color=330000&font=rockwell&50&a

About Me

hey, it's me! Pam. I'm a very likeable person! I really am. Even thow i am very shy, i'm not stuck up. All's i ask is don't judge me by my looks! I like to have fun,be around fun people, and i if you need someone to laugh at your corny jokes i am there! I love to laugh!I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Taurus - Your Love Profile
Your positive traits:
You tend to stick with relationships - through the good and the bad.
You are a great listener and tend to give valuable advice.
Cautious and careful, you never jump in recklessly... saving yourself from heartbreak.
Your negative traits:
Money is very important to you, so much so that it's a cause of arguments in relationships.
If your lover isn't loyal or attentive enough to you, your eyes start to wander...
You tend to keep things inside - so your partner may not know when or why you're upset.
Your ideal partner:
Is stable, serious, and ready to be committed to you.
Is successful and able to provide you with the lifestyle you crave.
A true romantic, who is willing to express their desire for your heart.
Your dating style:
Comfortable and traditional. You'd love to have a nice meal at a cozy restaurant.
Your seduction style:
Love comes first for you before you'd even think of intimacy.
Traditional: you're not a cold fish - but you're not into kink either.
Pleasing... you always make sure that your partner is having a good time.
Tips for the future:
Be willing to change your mind. Who you think is the love of your life may be very wrong for you.
Try listening to your mate. While your stubborn streak is hard to break, sometimes your partner knows best.
Lighten up! The first months of a relationship should be about fun, not intentions.
Best color to attract mate: Pale blue
Best day for a date: Friday What's Your Love Profile?

My Interests


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I'd like to meet:

Lisa Marie Presley!!!!!!!!!! ..

I am certified:

96% addicted to Myspace
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Myspace Icons"" Mandy Moore bets you can’t prove you are the biggest Mandy Moore fan in the world!


ok, i confess, I love John Denver-I listen to him when i am in a low mood. Lisa Marie Presley-for when i am happy! oldies for remembering the good old days! and of course Elvis!

MySpace Layouts
Funny Videos


old movies with Doris Day,Elvis Presley, Princess Diaries 2 and 1 Mask-Cher Silkwood-Cher Yours,Mine and Ours Where Angels go trouble follows The Trouble with Angels Good Morning Vietnam Driving Miss Daisy


I watch Young and the Restless faithfully everyday! then nighttime i watch Gilmore Girls Judging Amy The Simple Life-Paris and Nicole American Idol The OC Survivor Court tv tv land-Andy Griffith show, Leave it to Beaver, Gunsmoke and on Encore- Gunsmoke. American Dreams Desperate Housewives Ellen Degeneres show and sometimes Dr. Phil or Ophra!


i like old classics by Truman Capote: In Cold Blood Anne Frank diary anything by Patti Davis


I liked and admired Rosa Parks Ronald Reagan the civil rights kids who where in Little Rock known as the Little Rock 9 who just wanted an education and Loretta Claiborn who over came her being mentally retarted and not letting anything stand in her way of reaching her goals.

My Blog

Countdown to see LMP!

Well it's my count down time to seeing LMFP! If ya'all wonder what the F means? I can't tell ya! unless your a die hard LMFP fan you already know! This is my 3rd time seeing this terrefic lady!She is ...
Posted by Pam on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 09:19:00 PST

Hey Lisa Marie Presley fans!

Hi! All, Is anyone going to see LMFP in concert at the Anaheim HOB! Please im me! I want to have a good time this time with ya all! Hopefully there will be more the 4 people at the show!! Cause when i...
Posted by Pam on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 02:44:00 PST

I tried ?

I really tried, i did. HONEST. to be a friend. but your not listening? i don't count so why should i bother even to have this dumb myspace. No one hardly ever sends me comments. Or cares what i think...
Posted by Pam on Fri, 26 May 2006 12:04:00 PST

Can't sit here!

Hey everybody,Well still not much to say! except i may have a new friend! Why did i say "Can't sit here" it's my faveorite line in the movie "Forrest GumP" wasn't he so amazing? I thought so! I just w...
Posted by Pam on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 03:24:00 PST