PIEL CANELA profile picture


...being beautiful is a state of mind...

About Me

An observer by nature. I love to sit back and watch. I don't talk a lot but when I do it's because I have something to say. I'm a thinker. I daydream a lot. I love to explore the infinitive power that lies within. I love music (both to listen and dance)I believe every experience in life is an opportunity to learn and to grow. I'm loyal. I like to take care of the people I love and sometimes wish I could protect them at all times! But, if I don't like you I can't and won't pretend that I do; hate hypocrisy. Strong believer that what goes around comes around. VERY intuitive (sometimes TOO intuitive for my own good!) Some might be intimidated by my hard shell. I have one of those "serious-looking" faces (I get that A LOT) but that's just the way I am and I'm learning to embrace it. If you get to know me then you'll figure it out. I love my life and know that I am exactly where I need to be. I love my job it challenges me and at the same time it is very fulfilling, plus I work with an amazing group of women! ...who are all beautiful and inspiring; I am very grateful for that! I am working on becoming my own boss and exploring my creative side (photography,massage and dance). I believe everyone is here to serve a purpose...I am looking to find mine. I am extremely blessed to be surrounded by beautiful people who love, accept, support and challenge me. I have learned that you cannot change/control people but YOU CAN change your reaction to them. You can choose to let someone get to you or you can choose to feel good no matter what. I'm tired of people wanting to change the world when the change begins with one (with I, with you, with us) We must change ourselves before we try to change the world! Continously soul searching. EVERYTHING WE SEEK OUTSIDE MUST FIRST COME FROM WITHIN...PEACE WITHIN. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Interests

Listening to music all day...everyday! Photography. Giving people massages (there's so much power in a simple touch!) Salsa dancing. Reading. Working w/ communities of color speacially women. The sound of the claves and the beat of the drums. Making jewelry. Long hot baths. Pedicures. Candles. Anything to pamper myself. Day dreaming. (Over)analyzing. Writing. DANCING! Eating out. Trying new foods & recepies. Taking pictures of nature specially the ocean. Traveling (wish I could do it more) Growing and learning. Silver earrings and rings. Butterflies. Hats. Motivational quotes. Poetry. Black and white photography. The moon. The Ocean. The stars. The universe. Yemaya. Oshun. Faith. Affirmations...

I'd like to meet:

Common...that man is FINE!! :) and who ever I'm suppose to but would prefer: True.Positive. Conscious. Cool. Drama-free. Down to earth folks who are bout making change. Who ARE the change. People who are driven and are doing the damn thang! People who are inspiring...WHO ARE REAL ALL THE WAY NOT JUST WHEN IT'S CONVENIENT...last but not least...people who don't TRY to be real...they just are! **FAKE ASS PEOPLE NEED NOT APPLY** A pic I took...




Voces Inocentes. Born Into Brothels. V for Vandetta. Cronicas...this are just the one's I watched recently but there's many many more...


I killed it in an act of self defense!


LIVING WITH JOY (the BEST book ever! every1 should read and live by it!). Soul Love. Personal Power Through Awareness. Ask And It Is Given. All About Love. Latin Deli. In the Time of the Butterflies. Silent Dancing. Hamlet. Oh! The Places You'll Go! (Yes! the Dr. Seuss book!)


My momma (a single mother of four...need I say more?!). Heather (my mentor aka the angel who resides in Berkeley! and the lady who taugh me how to dance!). Robert Clark (the man who got me through college...if you go to CCSF go see him...the BEST counselor EVER!). My little brother. Single mothers and anyone who is a survivor and still has the ability to look at the world with courage and compassion. Dedicated social workers who even though their paychecks don't reflect all of the work they do, they still love what they do and do it with the heart. Young people who know wassup and are making a change! A pic I took in NY...

My Blog


Your Awakening!A time comes in your life when you finally get it...when, in the midstof all your fears and insanity, you stop dead in your tracks andsomewhere the voice inside your head cries out - EN...
Posted by PIEL CANELA on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:36:00 PST

Just a thought that came to mind...

More often than not we know without needing to consult anyone else but ourselves what decisions/changes/choices we need to make, and what steps we need to take.  We have the answers.  The tr...
Posted by PIEL CANELA on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 12:42:00 PST

A love like...

Love Like by Shihan I wanna love like me thinkin of you thinkin of me type love. Or me telling my friends more than i've ever admited to myself about how I feel about you type love. Or hating how je...
Posted by PIEL CANELA on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 11:02:00 PST

Phenomenal Woman

PHENOMENAL WOMAN by Maya Angelou Pretty women wonder where my secret lies I'm not cute or built to suit a model's fashion size But when I start to tell them They think I'm telling lies. I say It's...
Posted by PIEL CANELA on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 08:43:00 PST

Wanna change the world?

"When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found out it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn't change my nation, I began to focus on m...
Posted by PIEL CANELA on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 09:44:00 PST

Speaking of dreams...

It amazing how the universe sometimes sends us lil messages here and there when we need them or when we are looking for them...earlier I was talking about dreams and then I saw this... Your DREAMS c...
Posted by PIEL CANELA on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 09:40:00 PST

Yo soy Chapina pa' que tu lo sepas!

El Guatemalteco no toma: se pone a berga El Guatemalteco no enamora: cantinea El Guatemalteco no festeja: parrandea El Guatemalteco no conversa: platica El Guatemalteco no critica: pela El Guatemaltec...
Posted by PIEL CANELA on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 08:24:00 PST

Somethings just stand out....

I was browsing through profiles on here and some headliners stood out...thought I share... "Small minds discuss people.  Great minds discuss ideas.". "Always be yourself because the people who ...
Posted by PIEL CANELA on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 09:31:00 PST

One minute can change yo life....

It was Wednesday August 30th...I started off my day as any regural work week day.  I woke up, got ready and went to work.  Although it was a like any other regular day at work there was some...
Posted by PIEL CANELA on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 09:37:00 PST

The ABC's of Life

Accept differences Be kind Count your blessings Dream Express thanks Forgive Give freely Harm no one Imagine more Jettison anger Keep confidences Love truly Master something Nurture hope Open your min...
Posted by PIEL CANELA on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 06:24:00 PST