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No, I'm not looking for a pet I'm happy with the one I've got, thanks, now go away!

About Me

Create your own friendquiz here ..I'm a happily married Mom, fetish model, and proud owner of Feefee. I work out at the gym a lot. I listen to music a lot. I knit occasionally. I love make up, music, dancing, socializing with friends, making things, painting, singing, sleeping, waking up next to someone I love, cooking breakfast, cooking in general, walking, getting letters from friends in the mail as in real mail the kind the mail man puts in the mail box, going out for coffee, girls night out, woodchuck ciders and screwdrivers, watching movies, motorcycles, tattoos, piercings, carnivals with the family.

My Interests

I love many forms of art and music. I enjoy motorcycles, tattoos, piercings, museums, galleries, opera, ballet, musicals, and theatre of almost any nature. I can bake some really good cookies and a killer rum cake too.Check out these sites (copy and past them) to view more of my interests.www.entrenousdc.com www.BOUND.org www.Larrybradbyphotography.com http://www.amf.addr.com/index2.html

I'd like to meet:

Not looking to meet anyone. Denise invited me and I couldn't turn that down. Denise rocks my socks off!!! . .Elvis..
You Are 80% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. How Evil Are You?


I like all sorts of music classical, punk, classic rock, '80's, jazz, swing, big band, blues, etc.... I prefer to leave out the boy bands and Britney they don't tickle my panties in a nice way. I don't like the music played at most dance clubs except goth/industrial. Beethoven and Peter Murphy are GODS


True Romance, Imortal Beloved, X-Men (all), Narnia, Interstate 60, The Secretary, Quills, the list goes on and on and on...


I like the History chanel and Discovery chanel but I only get to watch WETA Kids and Disney because I'm a Mom with a 3 yo.


Gabriel Garcia Marquez is the most awesome author. Reading one of his books is like reading a super long poem, it all flows so beautifully, Of Love and Other Demons, Love In the Time Of Cholera, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Innocent Erendira, The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor, In Evil Hour, Strange Pilgrims. Last book I read through George Orwell, 1984. One of my favorite books is The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Other books I've read; The Sexually Dominant Woman by Lady Green The Art of Sensual Female Dominance by Claudia Varrin And of course Grimms Fairy Tales, Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson and many more childrens books to come as I am now a Mom. I would like to read more George Orwell and C.S. Lewis as well as Ann Rice.


My beautiful Daughter ..