Man in the Moon profile picture

Man in the Moon

How is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn something new, it pus

About Me

I made this with help from .. , Look at these other Layouts!
I made this with help from .. , Look at these other Layouts!
I'm 31...I'm an elementary school teacher...and some of you out there are related to my former students...and that's SCARY! Actually I've discovered that some of my under 14y.o. students actually have created their own Myspace pages...they may have them locked, but that's still quite disturbing!!! So I'll be posting more recent pics, but they're all going in blogs that only my friends will be able to see. Me?? Well...I'm a pretty fun-loving guy. I've had some people question my moral standing because I seem to have collected an almost completely female friend list. I'm a HUGE flirt. I always have been. Neither of those things makes me a bad guy. I also tend to have more female friends than male friends in "real life" (meaning before myspace...and the internet...damn, is that like talking about music you liked to listen to before CDs??). Either way, I am loyal to my friends and I tend to keep friends for long periods of time. I cherish the bonds I form with other people (male or female) and I try not to let people just slip out of my life.I'm also on YAHOO and AIM as tnmike615. Drop me an email or IM me sometime, I'd love to chat :)

My Interests

Cooking (as in I know how to do it WELL!!), Wine, Football (Go 'Canes!!), Reading, Meeting new people that help me grow and become a better person, Japan (lived there for two years)...I'll think of more later...

I'd like to meet:

Honestly, I'm not looking for anything serious right now, which doesn't make me shallow or a player or anything. I'm currently separated, and my divorce is nearly finalized. I'm not a bad guy, but it's just not the right time for me to get involved in something serious, but I do like to have fun and hang out with fun people. I like girls that are intelligent. I also like girls that like sports and can talk trash about teams they don't like. I like girls that have goals and some kind of direction in their lives. If you act like a prepubescent because you can't figure out how to act your age, then we won't get along. On the other hand, if you normally act like an adult, but have moments where you regress, I can handle that...I do it myself :) Seriously...I would love to talk to you if you can carry on an intelligent conversation...I don't really care if you're older or younger than me...cute with brains or brainy with cuteness...either way....
All that being said, I do think that a girl could do A LOT WORSE than me (or so I've been told)...I've got a lot to offer, I am intelligent, I love to cook.....


classic rock, a little metal, a little rap and hip hop, classical, and jazz...


Star Wars, Indiana Jones, annything with John Cusack, Caddy Shack, Harold and Kumar...., Batman Begins, X-Men, Spider Man, I can't wait for Superman Returns, love Mel Brooks and Woody Allen movies too....


The Simpsons, 24, American Dad, The War at Home, The Daily Show, Smallville (oohh....that hunk Tom Welling...ok, that's a's a joke...I collected comic books as a kid and so anything related to Superman or Batman is a guilty pleasure--even if it's age appropriate for teenagers), and College Football Gameday (and the good ol' days when Kirk Herbstreit loved my 'Canes and Corso wouldn't EVER pick them)


I read when I get the chance but most of my reading is dedicated to keeping up with good children's lit. It's for the job...I have to know what my students should be reading, and the best way to do that is to read it :) Actually there's some GREAT authors out there. I mean, I love Harry Potter, but read Inkheart by Gloria anything by Lois some of E.L. Konigsberg's books...oh, and don't forget Phillip Pullman! There's GREAT stuff out there for kids, and not all of it is getting made into movies :) Even Neil Gaiman has written a children's book (check out Coraline for a WEIRD, but good and very short book).

My Blog

This Sunday!!! (at Jammin Java)

Sunday, September 17th -- $14 -- 7PM acoustic pop/rockBraddigan (from Dispatch) + Kate VoegeleHe rode the waves with the independent band Dispatch for nine years until July 2004 when the band played i...
Posted by Coffee?!?!?!? Where??? on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 06:38:00 PST

Harem continued....

....when last we saw our hero he was battling his arch-enemy on the lip of the volcano's crater.... Ok, so I'm sure there are those of you that think that me writing a blog about my night out with 9 ...
Posted by Coffee?!?!?!? Where??? on Tue, 02 May 2006 04:51:00 PST

Fun AND Interesting

So I had an interesting experience on Saturday night that I wanted to share... Saturday I worked my normal part time gig, and then went to do a private wine tasting at this girl's apartment in Arling...
Posted by Coffee?!?!?!? Where??? on Mon, 01 May 2006 04:57:00 PST

Life Lesson in a Mayo Jar :)

The Mayonnaise Jar and the 2 Cups of CoffeeWhen things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 cups of coffee.A profes...
Posted by Coffee?!?!?!? Where??? on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 07:01:00 PST