Lazlo profile picture


Money can't buy back your youth when you are old, a friend when you are lonely, or a love thats grow

About Me

I am a professional, I live on the road, I own my home, I have never had a day job, I have an all wheel drive car, I would rather be on two wheels, my motorcycle didn't run at all last summer, I am an artist, I like to dress up for the theater, I grind my own coffee beans, I don't like clothing, I collect sox, I like to write, but never got the hang of spelling, I am freak (in the best sense of the word). . . . I am self employed somewhere between an engineer and an artist. I have been fortunate to make my living in theaters, churches, clubs, and touring around the world with bands, instead of getting a day job. It is kind of full time, but really I don't know what that is. I'm either gigging fifteen hours a day (sometimes at two or three gigs), or I've got days off and I'm sleeping till noon. My weekends tend to be Mondays and Tuesdays. . . . . I am a little bit over the top and a little bit shy, I like art, I work in the arts. I love music, and have too many cds around. I would rather be outside that in, but I spent this last winter holed up in my room reading (except when one gig had me touring down the east coast as far as Orlando. . I have too many books too). I don't tend to be vary political, but I lean to the right in a Libertarian kind of "less is more" way. I don't like puritans and I don' t believe in pornography, but I find most talk shows obscene. . I am full of the spirit for adventure. I think I am an enjoyable and generous companion. I try to avoid dull moments when friends are around (I save them for the moments in between the life I live). . . . I try to be Real . . . I just try to be myself and have a good time doing it. I am here looking for a woman with the fire to bring out all the best in me.

My Interests

music, theater, strange sounds, cooking and eating, books, bicycles and the art of living well.

I'd like to meet:

SOMEONE TO TALK TO, SOMEONE TO COOK WITH, SOMEONE TO SLEEP WITH: I have found, for myself, three essential elements (talking, cooking and sleeping) that when they are working, provide the foundation to explore and build a relationship. I love to talk on the phone, I am out of town a lot, and I want someone who enjoys long phone calls at strange hours. I love sitting and talking over Coffee, and during the preparation and enjoyment of a meal. I love to cook, and being away a lot, I try to make a point of it when I am in Buffalo. I like to watch and see someone at work in their kitchen, and I like to help. No day is finished with out a pleasant drift to sleep, and how one sleeps in bed with another is more important than how one plays in bed. For how we play is something we can learn and teach each other, but how we sleep is a much more indelible part of who we are. I would like to meet a woman who is strong and playful. Someone who knows herself, knows where she is going, is playful, but doesn't play games with her heart. Who is strong enough to be honest even when it hurts, and can make fun and laugh at the pot holes in life’s road. I am looking for someone who will appreciate the same in me, and relish the space we create together, between and within ourselves. I can see myself connecting to a well established career woman with an interest in the arts, with a funky sense of style, with a fun car and a cool bicycle, (for day trips and the Sunday midnight bike rides) and if I am lucky someone who rides a motorcycle too. I know I want to have kids in the next few years, and raise them outside the box. I am looking for a beautiful lady to join me on such an adventure. To sum it up, someone who is "dirty enough to be happy, and clean enough to be healthy".(and who can identify that quote) Someone with a strong circle of Real Friends and Family to share with each other.


I listen to a lot of music, I own too much music (but I have friends with tons more that me) The past few years I have been collecting a bunch of Americana folk music and bluegrass, For a couple of years I was expanding my collection of jazz, with a concentration of Miles Davis. I also collect music from bands I have gigged for (including board tapes of my mixes): Moxy Fruvous, John and Mary, 10,000 Maniacs, Donna the Buffalo, Enter the Haggis. And bands that have appeared at the Rhubarb Family Picknic (where I have tapes main stage from 02 through 05) My general list includes: Bauhaus, Love and Rockets, Led Zepplin, the Cure, David Bowie, The mammals, Doc Watson, The lowest of the Low, the Nields, Eddie from Ohio, Fishbone, the Beatles, and any song by Cole Porter


I wish I had more time to go to the movies and to watch my Netflix disks (I think I am still holding a disk from last summer) I do However, go out to see live theater in Buffalo.My favorite movie is Casablanca!Invite me over to watch a dvd, I'll bring poping corn.


I don't watch it at home. But I do turn it on when I'm staying at hotels, which is a lot when I am touring. I like the Discovery channel shows about engineering buildings, or big trucks or boats. Or the History channel (WHY can't I find a bar that just has (like a bar has to have a TV or two in it) History and Discovery playing on their TVs?) I like to find strange public access programs on at strange hours of the night, like 2:47 when I am just getting back to my room after a gig.


I like the works of Henry Miller, Ayn Rand, Hunter S Thompson, F Scott Fitzgerald, Jack London, James Gleck, Richard Feynman, Philip K Dick, Graham Hancock, Zecharia Stichin, Roger Penrose, Robert M Pirsig,


Richard P Feynman, Rob Buck

My Blog

Random adventures on bicycles

 Well I wasn't boerd last night. I found myself, with a couple of random friends on bicycles all evening, hopping among a few partys, gatherings and a bar or two. It was around 3:00 when I headed...
Posted by Lazlo on Wed, 30 May 2007 08:46:00 PST


Driving, well sitting in the van being driven, East on the Thruway. Another adventure of travel and music.    Sitting, sitting still, buzzing calm. . . . the run around all morning on lots o...
Posted by Lazlo on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 08:58:00 PST

Of corse she was

 She was right, of corse she was, she's a writer, But she'd never guess the situation, bittersweet love, or at least bittersweet lust, for it is safe to love eachothers minds, words, poetry, pros...
Posted by Lazlo on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 08:33:00 PST

lost christmas sunset

    On the calender it is almost Christmas. The overdressed company Christmas party and associsted drunkin after party are past . . . . I slept in till one this afternoon.  &n...
Posted by Lazlo on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 08:56:00 PST

A twisted understanding

  Blah Blah    Gray egg noodle forest stretching out around and inside, Lights and shadows, sunlight, stage light, colors and patterns, textures of grayness, soft landscapes, like ...
Posted by Lazlo on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 06:51:00 PST

Dreaming awake

   It seems to have been just a dream. Our furure no longer unfolds, insted it crumbles to broken jagged pieces at my feet. My dreams become barbs that poke into my sleep.    W...
Posted by Lazlo on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 10:19:00 PST

Used and Abused

Used and abused '05   But the years of out lives  rarely fit neatly between January and December, It is September of two thousand six, and the  ravages of the last year seem to ...
Posted by Lazlo on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 09:56:00 PST

Fire and flood

I am searching for the fire and waiting for the flood. Please allow me this mixing of metaphors, for they are the best description of what I was feeling then and what I am missing from my now. For las...
Posted by Lazlo on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 09:46:00 PST